Like - I Love You

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I pull my knife out of the walker's head, hearing that disgusting sound of brain and skin pulling apart. I could never get used to the sound of it, but. I would have to put up with it because I was in a group and I have to pull my weight to protect people I can't just sit here and let them do all of the protecting. I'm tough too!

Despite the world going to shit and everything being ruined here. I always loved nature and its beautiful trees and animals, even though most of. They are gone, there are still birds around and they always make the most. Wonderful noises. Which is a nice change to the walker kind. I wipe my knife on my pants, the color turning slightly darker.

"ya still good over there (y/n)?" they never really let me go off on my own. 'we have to stick together just to be sure' yeah right. I pull my fingers out and do hand gestures to those words.

"still here" "like the last 90 seconds, you asked" I whisper the last part to myself while dragging myself towards my group. It was nice here and it was far away from... Them. We used to be in another group before, but we slowly found out how bad they were and we didn't feel safe there, so we left and swore to never go back.

I spin my knife in my hand and stand next to my god old pal nick. He's so edgy sometimes, but can you blame him? He lost so much in a short time.

"hey nickkkk, what's good" I punch his arm lightly with my free hand and smile at him with a cheeky grin, and swipe his hat off his head. "this is now mine for a bit" I  fix the hat on my head and Nick casually pulls it off my head.

"it's my hat, it's not hard to find your own it's basically free" he pulls his hair back to fit underneath all of It and continues walking, following the group.

"it's not the same. You know that!" I laugh while putting my knife away and quickly catch up to him and to Luke, who's now standing next To him. I run up to Luke and poke his arm

"luke tell Nick he's not being nice and sharing"

"do you hear that, Nick? I hear a voice but don't see anyone."he looks side to side but clearly not down to. Where I am. Huh, just like him to make fun of my short height.

"oh so that's what stole my hat it was a ghost" nick plays along with it and I walk between them and grab their arms and swing them around.

"I'm here and you guys know it so stop fooling around and let's get back to the cabin goofballs"

I let go of their arms and go up ahead of them and with the others who were there. It wasn't all too warm out here, but since we're moving more up north, it's getting chiller by the day and it was getting harder to find food and clothing to handle the cold weather. But we're tough and we're going to get through this.

I pull out my knife when I hear a groan come from upfront and I walk up to it, stabbing it in the head a few times. Before it falls to the ground, I search the body for anything useful and I find a lighter. "hey, look what I found! Might be useful"

I wave it around over my head "Luke think fast!" I underhand throw it to Luke and he tries to catch it. " you almost dropped it! I thought you were quick on your feet." I laugh and Pete and Alvin laugh with me.

"oh come on (y/n)! I didn't think you'd throw something at me," he comes up to me and grabbed my shoulders. " and I thought we  should be in the cabin by now. Or are you the only one allowed to have fun around here"

"Uhh no, I got a kill that ain't fun that's just making sure none of us get a bit" I drag him along with me on the dirt road. Kicking a small rock and watching it go far. Luke looks down and kicks one as well and it lands farther ahead.

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