Chapter 2 The Day I Meet Him

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It's now been six weeks since the first time I heard the tardis I looked high and low for it but I couldn't find it. I was starting to think I was going crazy because every time I was at school I would hear it but I never found it. Today is March 23 and I woke up with this really weird yet wonderful feeling like something good was going to happen. I was now sitting in chemistry listening to teacher explain the instructions for our lab, when I thought I saw her eyes glow. I didn't think much of it until she came over to me.

"Sierra how's your lab going?" she asked

"Fine." I said a little shocked that she came over

"Great, now you need to take the sulfur and mix it with the potassium."

"Oh, you mean this one" I said as I grabbed the acetate and threw it into the potassium

"No!!" She yelled as the mixture exploded and the sprinklers in the room went off

I couldn't believe what I saw nor did my classmates our teacher turned into to a blue skinned monster. The rest of my class had the smart idea to run but I found in that moment that I couldn't move. It was like I was glued to the spot. She noticed that I was still there and she did not look happy with me she came in closer as I began to move backwards. I soon hit the wall and I knew that I was done for then someone grabbed my hand. I was hoping it was the Doctor, but it was my cousin instead- who I was still happy to see- we ran out of the room as fast as we could. With the monster hot on our trail.

"What is that thing?" Carrisa asked

"I honestly have no idea." I answered

"Well you watch Doctor Who so shouldn't you know?" She asked

"Well we don't see everything the Doctor does so no I don't know what that thing is."

"Great!"she said her voice full of sarcasm

We ran into another room where my friend Emily was in.

"Em, why are you in here? Didn't you hear the fire alarm." I asked her

"Yes, but people where running and yelling about a monster so I wanted to investigate. Is there really something there?" She said

"Yes there is and we need to get out of here now." I said

"Do you know what it is?" She asked

"No I haven't the slightest idea."

"Now would really be a good time for your Doctor to show up"Said Carissa

"Yeah it would." Emily and I said in unison

Just then the door burst open and there it stood so we ran out the room through the other door. Whatever was going to happen I knew wasn't going to be good if it caught us. Then Emily stopped.

"What are you doing!" Yelled Carissa

" I just thought of something maybe if one of us pretends to know the Doctor then it might leave." said Emily

"That's great but how do we do that exactly?" I asked

"Well Rose did it why can't you?"

"Me! Why me?" I yelled

"Because you've been watching Doctor Who longer then I have just do the same thing Rose did."

"You know that didn't work right?"

The creature came around the corner and sprinted toward us.

"Now or never Sierra." Said Carissa pushing me front of her

I stood there for a minute then got my bearings.

"Stop!"I yelled

It stopped only a few feet away from me and stood there confused.

"I hereby order you to stop and I tell you that you are in violation of code 295 of the um, Saturn district. And so I order you to leave here and to never return."I stated with a shaky voice

The creature laughed and said "Oh please Sierra I know that you are not some agent from another planet. Now come here so I can kill you."

It was about to strike but I interrupted its attack.

"No I may not be but I know someone who is." I said

"Oh really and who might that be?" She asked

"You might know him, he comes from a planet far from here, but he's been here before and he's saved it so many times, you may know him as the Oncoming Storm, but I know him as . . . The Doctor."I said with every part of me jumping with excitement as I said his name

The creature growled and wrapped its tail around my throat.

"Sierra!" Carissa and Emily yelled

"How do you know the Doctor?" She questioned me

"Oh ya know" I said trying to pry her tail from my throat "he's been around a couple times."

"Where is he?"

"Right like I would tell you." I snapped back at her

She put more pressure on my neck. It was getting very hard to breathe I felt as though I might pass out from lack of oxygen.


"Not. . . Telling . . . You." I breathed out

"Let go of her." Said a voice

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