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  "hi two minghaos!" junhui hazily walked between soonyoung and minghao's arms— outside of the bar. with the heavy scent of liquor coming from his body, and dizzy steps he makes, soonyoung and minghao faced embarrassment while they walk the streets.

how did they end up like this exactly? lets rewind the night a bit, shall we?

minghao walked to the location they have agreed on. as the sun was going down, he took the chance to capture this moment on his phone. and little did he know, had he already arrived at his destination.

he entered the night bar, walking across several people who were found chugging up a handful of liquors, and other substances. this only made minghao feel sickening by the sight. loud music from speakers blasted out through the whole place. "ugh. these people have no taste." he said in disgust, removing a piece of wrapper that stuck in his sole.

he scurried to the near-end of the room, where he saw jeonghan and the others.

"hao! over here!"

"why the hell did y'all bother to visit this place!? its a fucking mess." minghao said, shuddering. "woah now. watch your words. isnt it amazing?" jeonghan let out a laugh, spanking on soonyoung's shoulder. "amazing? this place is terrible! id rather sip a glass of wine back home in my pajamas," minghao's words lead the boys into shock, amending what he had said. "i-i mean orange juice!"

"dont- youre just embarrassing yourself. we normally come to this place so dont worry about drinking a load of alcohol in our sight." jeonghan snickered, tapping minghao's shoulder. "o-okay?"

"oh hey theres jisoo and hansol."

"sol? arent you too young and illegal to come to this place?" minghao jolted. "heck yeah i am! i drink root beer only anyways so i decided to come." he shrugged unbothered. "oh."

"surprised you came jisoo, remembering you always fucking screamed to drink water not alcohol!" jeonghan joked, making the boys guffaw their asses. "who said id drink tonight? i just came here for moral support and unless you know... some shit happens." he air quoted. "what made you say that hyung?"

"well youre in the presence of the yoon jeonghan, and currently underaged for a place like this." he smirked sarcastically. "whatever. oh hey theres jun." jeonghan rolled eyes, then noticing the other chinese stepping into the club.

"oh— hey there."

"you said you werent coming though?" soonyoung reminded. "oh yeah.. change of plans!" jun answered in a weirdly jovial manner, heading straightly for some beer placed on the table. "woah slow it down. we still havent played beer pong. and trust me, you dont wanna get drunk as hell even before we do that."

"what? its just one shot. nothing can get me wasted tonight." but he was wrong.

after several hours of playing beer pong, and with the clock striking past 12, the boys finally stopped. with the others getting wasted of course. but it was nothing like how jun looked. after his last throw of the ping pong ball, he stumbled madly into the chair, then falling down with his eyes closing. soonyoung and minghao helped him up, while jeonghan and hansol helped jisoo who wasnt completely wasted, but rather earned a vigorous migraine.

"okay, up you go." minghao muttered, putting jun's arms around his neck. same goes for soonyoung who luckily, didnt get that drunk as he used to. all six went their separate ways to bring their own patient home. minghao and soonyoung helped junhui out, walking briskly to his apartment that was very fortunate— as it was close to the bar. "i never really seen again junhui like this since..."

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