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"jun hyung? what the hell are you doing in a park?"

junhui blinks astonishingly with minghao effortlessly appearing upon his vision, yet again. "minghao!? what are you doing here?"

"id ask you the same but with more of an affectionate bewilderment— anyways, i come here here on weekends obviously, to ride my bike."

"oh. well i just got eaten by monotony and decided to take a walk." he replies. "oh stop it with the big words." he mocked, sitting next to him. "so uh, you really know how to ride that thing?" jun pointed at the vehicle that faced them. "what? heck yeah i do! dont everyone do?"

"uh— i dont exactly know how to.." he mumbled being ashamed of himself. "really!? what the actual f- come on then! ill give you a ride around."

"what if i fall off and die—"

"oh god its just a little bicycle. trust me." minghao offered his hand, letting jun hop on the back of his bike. junhui hugged the younger's shirt that wore over his abdomen. then a flawless color of red blush covered his cheeks from his sudden action. "dont be a baby, hyung." minghao chaffed to annoy the other. junhui smiled with indignity of a man having fear to ride a bike.

minghao paddled slowly, and junhui shyly hid his face under minghao's shoulder. bringing an emblem of slight embarrassment amongst themselves. but as minghao accelerated his paddling with the bicycle, junhui rose his head to see the sun glazing over the harmonic park, and passing children. he was dead over the keen pleasing view of it. "wow."

"told you." the two continued to roll around the community park, and as they proceed, junhui strikingly found the desire to notice minghao's brilliant smile, and flowing hair. it matched the scenery he was lively watching. and molding his lips to smile even more.

"woohoo!" junhui shouted confidently this time, throwing his hands up in the air. minghao chuckled loudly with him, turning his head at the older who found the ride fun all along. minghao dwelled himself into looking at the older as if time went slower when he looked at junhui, then he shook himself to realization that he was still navigating his bike for the both of them.

"wooaah!" minghao scurried to turn the bicycle around before they crash ahead to a tree, yet he was too late and made them fall on the hard ground. "ow." junhui moaned. "thought you knew how to ride this dipshit, hao." he oddly chortled. "im.. sorry junhui. got lost in there for a while." he helped the other up, using his other hand to support his giddy head.

"ah. anyway, where to now?" jun jolted on his feet. "what? arent you hurt?"

"eh. im fine!" he shrugged, walking towards the bike. "what— are you doing?" minghao dubiously asked the other as if hes going to ride the vehicle once more. "lets ride!"

"what— are you crazy!? no no no, lets just... walk first." minghao brought his bike farther from junhui, assuring that neither if them would crash into another accident.

"okay!" jun hopped funnily, waiting for minghao. "how hard did he hit his head?" he whispered beyond his breath, approaching jun with a confusing mind.

"damn these burgers are the best ive tasted!" junhui mumbled with a full mouth. "holy shit! it is good." minghao moaned, expressing the mouthwatering taste hes experiencing. "you know what else is good? painting your face with ketchup!" jun grabbed a shedload of ketchup to his hand, spreading it across minghao's face. "ah— hey! whatd you do that for?" offendedly, he laughed in disbelief.

"ha! thats for making us crash earlier."

"hey if it wasnt you who—" minghao choked up to his words, rethinking the terms hed tell to jun. "if it wasnt for me who what?"

"nothing," he twitched his lip dauntingly. "what i was gonna say is that you shouldnt be too fooled! ha ha!" he splat a handful of ketchup once again to jun's bare-face. "oh youll regret that! come here!" they chased each other like little kids around the food stall, then the park.

and as they played along, minghao once again found the unsettling intention again to stare at the older's structure. it occurred incessantly to him, as if it was fate that ordered him to pursue on that. well i mean, it was quite hard not to notice junhui as his laughter, smile, and presence, was brighter than any star and any sun if you were close to him.

yet it kept on bothering minghao. he didnt know if it was something he ate, drank, nor do— that made him maintain that kind of action towards him. but it didnt matter anyway, right?

aimlessly, the two's friendship grew in closer as days passed with both of them frequently hanging out. even if it was a trip to theme parks, coffee shops, jeonghan's house, or even simply the two of them at the park.

at some point, minghao went to ask jun about what that inkling meant. and not gonna lie, he seemed it awkward and weird when they talked that day.

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