Meeting My Hope

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~Reader POV~

Cold, sore and hard pavement is all I felt. It was around midnight and it was quiet. I was searching around for a place to sleep. I had about 50 bucks in my pocket and I was hungry so I stopped by the local corner store. I heard some light foot steps behind me. I quickly turn my hearing aids up a little and kept walking with my stick and slides (slide on shoes) in hand. 

As I walk around in the store (I put my shoes on)I bump into the person that was originally behind me. I was feeling around for ground beef and veggies. I quickly and quietly apologized and kept feeling around. I felt her gaze still on me. I read her mind to make sure she wasn't thinking about anything to harm me. 'What is she doing' 

As I went about my business and payed I heard the teens that always beat and throw stuff at me. There were to many for me to fight back and I didn't want to hurt them. I mean they are teens and I am 19 years old also I can handle a little pain. They never hurt me to bad so it wasn't life threatening. I sighed to my self "It'll be over soon" I say to myself and walk outside.

When I walk out side I was immediately pushed into the back ally on the side of the store. They took my stick and bag and threw them to the side. I was punched and kicked. When they stopped I thought they walked away so I got up and tried to find my stuff when one of the teen boys pushed me down and said " we aren't done yet whore" then I heard them garbing sticks and rocks and threw them at me or hit me with them. It was never this bad but hey it's fine I am use to it.

Then I felt less and less things getting thrown at me but still hearing things fall. I then hear people grunting in pain and someone fighting. I got scared "h- hello" I whispered when the sounds stopped. 

" Are you ok" I heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice asked. The girl from the store "yeah I'm fine" I said with a hurt smile. "Um t-Thank y-you"

I heard her start to walk away "H- hey can I ask you a question?"

"yes?" the female asked

"um....Do you know what whore means" you look away so she didn't see your now red face

*Nat's POV*

'is this girl for real?' was all I could think of but when I saw her red face I knew she was asking a genuine question. I just said "Why don't you search it up? You have a phone don't you?" I honestly didn't know if she had one I haven't seen her take one out.

"n-no" she stuttered I was shocked

"oh well how about let's not talk about that word it is offensive to women" I state

She was on her hands and knees looking for her sunglasses? 'why is she wearing sunglasses?' 'why is she avoiding eye contact' I turned on my flashlight on my phone and asked " do you need any help?" she looked up and that is when I saw she had pale e/c eyes. 'she is blind' I though to myself with a frown. She looked down blushing red and stuttered once again "Y-.. um Yes p-please" 'why is she so adorable' and then like she read my thoughts she blushed even more 'Did I say that aloud'

*Your POV*

"No you didn'tI said I heard her step back but then she helped my stand up and handed me my glasses and my stuff.

" T-thank you again f-for the h-help umm.." I stuttered meanly cursing myself in my head. 'stupid stuttering'.

"Natasha but you can call me Nat" she said 

" well thank you Nat" I thought to myself 'Natasha as in Black Widow?'

But as I was about to walk out of the ally with my walking stick in hand she then asked "Can I take you home so those bullies won't hurt you again. I then froze. "um.. well the thing is ummm" I trailed off and stuttered a lot and she was still there waiting for my answer and I took a breath and said "I am sorry but I don't really have a um home" she froze and asked " Where do you sleep?" 

"I sleep on benches or in ally ways so I might just sleep here" I said scratching my check Nat gasped and then took my hand and pulled me into something " w-where are we" She then closed the door behind me and then there was silence for 2 minutes until I heard a car door open and then she said

"we are in my car and we are going to the Avengers tower where you will be living from now on" and then we were moving. I took a deep breath in and then I felt myself start to cry.

"T-thank y-you Nat.. It really means a lot to me but I wouldn't want to be a bother" she scoffed and said "Nonsense you are to cute to be on the streets and sleeping somewhere dangerous." then there was a comfortable silence until the car has come to a stop

"If anyone messes with you let me know and I will deal with them, but other than that welcome" and then she opened her side of the car and hopped out I got out and felt gravel on my bear feet. After a little bit of standing and waiting for her to realize I am still blind. I heard her cure under her breath " sorry forgot" I giggled a little and she took ahold of my arm and brought me inside.


Okay so this is my first story if you don't already know that  and I apologize for the grammar and spelling I am dyslexic so yeah. Also I hope you like it so far

Bucky x blind innocent readerWhere stories live. Discover now