Welcome New Life

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~Readers POV~

As Nat leads me in I could feel the stares people were giving me and I hear their whispers. I slowly retreat behind Nat holding on to her hand. She stopped infortune of something and I didn't know we were stopping and I hit my head on her back. "s-sorry" I said in a whisper. She just chuckled and pressed something that made a ding sound. We step in and I have no idea what this is. It starts moving and I almost fall but Nat caches me and said "We are in a elevator sorry forgot that you were blind again." she laughed a little and helped me stand up right.

As the elevator stopped with a ding. I tried to find Nat's hand. I couldn't find it until I felt her grab my arm I flinched " Oh sorry are you hurt?" "N-no it just startled me a little" I said with a weak smile. 'I can't let her see me cuts' "Ok lets get out and meet everyone" She said and I felt the panic go threw my body 'What id they don't like me' 'What if they make fun of me like the rest do' 'Will they judge me' My thought were cut off by loud noises. I wince and Nat cough on. "hey you ok?" she asked with worry lacing her voice. "y-yeah just have sensitive hearing" I play with my hair and tucked it behind my ears to fix my hearing aids. "ok lets go" and she grabbed my arm and I hold back a whine and wince so she doesn't have to look at my cuts.

As we walk in to a room I think The noises got louder until they stop talking once they saw Nat and me. I felt the stares they were giving off and so I hide behind Nat again. 

"Hey everyone this is Y/N she is a little shy but she is going to be staying with us from now on" her voice was sweet and kind until I hear a male voice

" Why is she wearing sunglasses inside is she hungover or is she like Tony over here trying to be cool" he said with annoyance in his voice. then someone I assume was Tony scoffed

"I um am a-actually um b-blind" I said hiding more behind Nat with a whisper voice

" Sorry what was that" another male voice asked but this voice was kind and calm.

"I am um... Blind" I said a little louder picking at my fingers.

"Can you take the glasses off" Nat asked me with a kind voice

"y-yeah" I whispered back 'please don't make fun of me' 'What is they are grosses out by me'

I took my glasses off and stepped out from behind Nat I looked up a little

~Avengers POV~

When Y/N took her glasses off and got out from hiding behind Nat when she looked up we saw pale e/c eyes looking anywhere but our eyes. We saw that she was blind. All our eyes widen exep Nat's

"Nice going Sam" tony whispered 

"Your eyes are beautiful why the glasses" Bucky asked surprising everyone even himself

" Um w-well I lived on t-the streets most of my l-life so I got things thrown at me and being called names" Y/N said in a hush tone 

"Oh also um do you know what a whore is?" she asked with a adorable head tilt.

'Awwww why is she so cute in innocent' everyone thought. Bucky noticed that she pouted and blushed slightly and hide behind Nat again. 'did she hear me?'

" Well how about I take you to your new room" Steve said braking everyone from their thought about what to say to the innocent girl in front of them

"um uh O-ok" she said shyly with a little smile getting out from behind Nat and Steve walked beside her and said "on your left"( I had to do it sorry not sorry UwU)

Sam scoffed "You just had to didn't you"

"Yes" Steve replied with his usual smile

*Time skip brought to you by Sam yelling at Steve for being a fast boi"

~Readers POV~

When Steve took me into the elevator again and this time he spoke to someone

"FRIDAY take us to me and Bucky's floor please"

"Right away Captain Rogers"

"W-who was t-that?" I ask in my whisper voice again

"hmm Oh that is FRIDAY he is Tony's AI you can ask him questions and ask him to do some reasonable things."

"It is very nice to meet you Miss Y/N"

"Um it's n-nice to meet you t-to FRIDAY" I said a little louder then when I talked to Steve

"Also Y/N since their aren't any open rooms on anyone else's floors you are going to be sharing with me and Bucky." he said 'Who is Bucky' I think


As we walk out he help my arm "Your room is the 4th on the right side you are between me and Bucky. Bucky is on your left and I am on your right." He said

"O-Ok thank you" I said in a little whisper.

"No problem" he said in his happy voice

After he showed you your room he brought you to your bed

"Get some rest it is pretty late if you need anything I am right next door and so is Bucky. Also if you need to get around either ask FRIDAY or ask one of us." Steve explained.

"O-ok thank you s-so much." you replied with a little smile in what you hoped was his direction.

"Goodnight" he said as he was walking towards the door and opened it

"G-Goodnight" you reply as he stepped out and closed the door

'Thank god no more people for now.' you take deep breaths and got ready for bed well the best you could (because you are blind (-3-)) and fell onto a SUPER soft bed and went into a peaceful slumber.


Sorry for taking a while I have FINALS coming up and my dad is being a big mean bum man. -3- but yeah sorry for taking a while. Hope you liked it

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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