Day 1

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**T.W** This story contains adult topics, strong language and Su*side. Read at your own risk! Thank you.

"Morning baby." Louis whispered to me. I turned my head, and Louis was layed next to me with his ocean blue eyes and a smile. "Good morning." I whispered back. Louis leaned in to kiss me but I backed away. He frowned. "Morning breath." 

I tossed the duvet off me and lightly walked to the bathroom. I picked up my toothbrush and put a small amount of toothpaste on the bristles and wet it under the water. I brushed my teeth roughly but tired to be gentle. Louis walked in and wrapped his hands around my waist.

I spit the toothpaste out in the sink then rinsed my mouth out. "That's the first time I've seen you spit." Louis laughed. I swung my head around and gave him a glare. "Love you." He whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but smile. "Love you too."

Louis let go of me then walked back to the bedroom.

Me and Louis are in college. We started dating when we were in tenth grade and our relationship is strong. "Hazza hurry up or we'll be late." Louis yelled.

I changed out of my dirty clothes to fresh clean ones and I walked back to the bedroom. "Slow poke." He mumbled. I ignored him and grabbed my backpack and phone. I went to the kitchen and grabbed two granola bars and two bottles of water. I grabbed my keys and put my shoes on.

"Let's go, slow poke!" I mocked. Louis walked out of the bedroom and smiled sarcastically at me. I threw a granola bar and bottle of water at him then he smiled. "Always taking care of me." He said.

Louis slid his shoes on then I swung the door open and we walked to my car. We both got in and like always Louis turned the radio on the rock station.

We arrived at school quick knowing it's right around the corner. and Louis gave me a tight hug then ran off to his class on the other side of campus. I walked to my class, I'm always the first one in there so I'm prepared and ready.

I had a few minutes before class started so I pulled out my phone and texted Louis that I missed him. He replied seconds later saying he missed me more. Louis is always on his phone. He doesnt care about school the way I do but he still goes and makes an effort.

The classes were boring I had to admit but once all our classes ended Louis and I meet up with our friends and go get lunch. Our friends were just the school ones, you know the ones you talk to but not really outside of school.

We all just eat at the cafe near the school. They make the best tea and sandwiches. I always get the same thing but Louis likes to try different things.

"Mr. Codswel was way harsh with the test today. There were questions where I didnt know the answer cause we didnt learn it." James complained.

"I thought it was easy." I shrugged. "That's because you study unlike James." Tyler said. James rolled his eyes then drank his tea.

"Me and Harry should get going now. I'll talk to you all later." Louis said, as he stood up. I smiled and waved then we walked to the car.

I started driving back to our apartment the Louis put his hand on my thigh. "You still owe me a kiss you know." Louis said with a smirk. "Oh do I now?" I said.

Louis nodded then squeezed my thigh. "How was class?" I asked. "Like normal. Except the teacher accidentally pulled up porn on his laptop." Louis laughed.

My eyes widen and I looked at Louis for a second then looked back at the road. "Do you think he'll get suspended from teaching?"

"Well yeah but we are all adults it not like we havent seen it before." Louis shrugged. "That's true."

Five Days. (L.S) **complete**Where stories live. Discover now