I secretly wish I got to know you more | Chapter 4 | Pt.1

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Marinette's POV:

School ended a couple minutes ago. I was waiting for Y/n since we agreed to go to my place when school was over so we can work on the project.

"Ugh, where is she? She's taking forever."I said annoyed. "Calm down Marinette." Tikki said.

"Hey Marinette sorry I'm late. I was talking to someone." She said. "Oh it's fine, let's go." I lied.

We walked to my place in a awkward silence. Once we got there I opened the door and I saw my mom and said, "Hey mom!"

"Hello sweetie! Who's this friend of yours?" My mom asked. "Hello Mrs. Cheng, I'm Y/n a classmate of hers." Y/n said.

"Well then welcome Y/n! You guys can go upstairs!" My mom said. We both nodded and went upstairs and then went to my room.

"You can sit there." I pointed to a chair in my room. "Okay, thank you." Y/n said. She sat down on it and I went to sit in the chair next to the one she was sitting on.

We were researching and writing down notes in silence for a few hours. Suddenly Y/n said, "Marinette I have to go it's 6:30 my dad wants me home at 7:00"

Finally I thought. "Oh okay let me walk you out." I told her. She nodded. When Y/n was about to go out the the door she asked,

"Marinette, can I ask you something?"

She's probably going to ask me to stay away from Adrien, I thought. "Sure." I said annoyed thinking I knew what she was going to say. But the thing she asked me surprised me,

"Why don't you like me Marinette?"

End of chapter

Author's note: I apologize for any grammar mistakes. This chapter was kinda rushed so sorry if it's bad. Anyways, don't forget to have a good day/night!

I Didn't Think I'd Fall For You ♡ (Marinette x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now