What?! | Chapter 10 |

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Marinette's POV:

I watched as Y/n sat in her seat next to Chloe, I then saw her look at Lila with wide eyes, Does she know Lila? I thought to myself.

Lila came to school today and I knew today was going to be horrible because of her presence. Since Y/n is new maybe I can save her from Lila's lies.


As class ended everyone followed after Lila asking her questions on her "interesting" life. I watched Y/n get out of the classroom looking upset about something, I soon followed after her to check if she was okay.

"Hey Y/n, are you okay? You look upset." I told her as she stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at me. "I'm fine." She answered bitterly.

Of course I didn't buy it, but i didn't want to pester her about it.

"Oh, okay. Anyways, I'm going to my next class, bye!" I told Y/n. "Bye." she replied as she soon walked away.


It was lunch and Lila was sitting at the table I usually sit with my friends surrounded by people. I rolled my eyes and sat at a different table.

Y/n was about to go to the table that she usually sits in, but she then saw Lila there, so she turns around and walks to the table I'm at and sits down. "Good choice on not sitting with Lila, believe it or not she's a total liar." I tell Y/n.

"Oh trust me I know." She said as her nostril twitched, I then gave her a confused look, "I'll tell you later."

We started eating in silence when suddenly Lila came up to our table, "Oh my god, Y/n is that you?!" she asked with a fake smile.

"Yes, yes it is." Y/n said in a annoyed tone not sparring her a glance. "It's so good to see you!" Lila said excitedly.

"I'm gonna go, bye." Y/n told Lila clearly not interested in talking to her. I watched as she walked away when suddenly Lila spoke up, "I'll be right back, I'm going to the restroom!"

I saw Lila going in the same direction Y/n went. I should probably follow them to make sure nothing bad happens, I thought to myself.

I followed Lila and saw that she was talking to Y/n on the blacktop, so i decided to hide behind the stairs.

"Why do you keep avoiding me, sweetie?" Lila asked with a pout. Sweetie?

"First of all, don't call me sweetie and of course I'm going to avoid you after what you did!" Y/n yelled.

"It isn't a big deal."

"So only dating me just so you could gain popularity isn't a big deal!?"

Wait they dated?!

End of chapter

Author's note: We finally got to chapter 10, yay! But anyways, what do you think will happen next chapter? Also sorry for any grammar mistakes! Don't forget to also have a good day/night!

I Didn't Think I'd Fall For You ♡ (Marinette x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now