Why are you acting like this? | Chapter 17 |

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Marinette's POV

It was the day after going to the cafe. To be honest it was pretty awkward around the last part of it.

I mean– one minute we were talking about Adrien and suddenly she doesn't know what to say.

Maybe it because she ran out of things to say, but anyways I have to get ready for school.


School was finally over and I was waiting for Y/n.

Y/n was avoiding me for the whole day. She wouldn't talk to me at all, not even look at me for more than five seconds.

I tried talking to her about it at lunch, but when she saw me walking towards her she got up from her table, threw her lunch away and left.

She probably had a rough day.

I decided to stop thinking about that and start to look for her so we can go work on the project.

I saw Y/n walking towards me with her arms crossed, once she reached me I was going to say something, but she beat me to it.

"Hey, can we work on the project at your place?"

While she said that she wouldn't look me in the eye. I was confused about that.

"Yeah, sure."


We were working on the project, she wouldn't talk to me at all, except for simple questions about the project.

I noticed that she kept looking around my room, especially my posters of Adrien.

She got her phone out and checked the time, "I got to go now."

She got up from the chair she was sitting in, got her stuff and was about to open my bedroom door, but I suddenly spoke up,

"Do you want me to walk you out?"

"It's okay I can do it myself, bye." She said, then opening the door and walking out.

I went outside on my balcony and watched her get on her motorcycle and leave.

I sigh, "Why are you acting like this?"

End of chapter

Author's note: My favorite book on Wattpad was completed today so now I don't know what to do with my life, so I updated this. But anyways, why do you guys think Y/n's acting like that towards Marinette? But anyways, I apologize for the short chapter and any grammar mistakes! Finally, don't forget to have a good day/night!

I Didn't Think I'd Fall For You ♡ (Marinette x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now