2 | interlude

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note: this interlude is vital, i repeat VITAL to both parts. i know it's long, but it really builds the whole story. also, this is a FANFIC. i changed a few things here and there leading up to their Kingdom stint. do not come at me for inconsistencies. i am aware.

the interlude will be the same for both, the only difference lies in felix's choice.



He had never thought his life would turn out this way.

He was just a simple Korean boy who grew up in Australia. Loved soccer, dancing and rapping.

He never intended to turn into someone whom he merely seemed to dream of.

Stage on fire. Loud thumping of the beat echoing across the hall. Flamboyant clothes. Blonde hair. Some in orange and Bang Chan in red.

It was all just a dream.

But then he dared to dream.

"Mum, I passed the JYP Auditions," he dare said one day. His mum gasped. His sister, Rachel, looked up from her computer. "I'm going to Korea in a few months to train."

His mum was upset. As he expected. Growing up in an Asian household meant that being successful was either becoming a doctor, lawyer or engineer. He was never talented in Math (he never really cared to be honest; he sucked at school), nor did he excel in any of the sciences and English either.

What he gained attention for, though, were his dance moves and rapping skills. He was always a people's person — one to make people wonder whenever he walked through the doors. His parents never knew he had participated in any of the school plays and performances, so he'd always whisper a silent prayer of thanks whenever they decided not to attend any of the school activities.

"Are you not gonna ask us what we think about your decision? What about your studies?" His mum sighed, looking up from her a book she's been reading. "Do you not plan on going to college?"

He looked at his mum. He had always been a Mama's boy. Always closer to his mum. His heart hurt seeing his mum hurt. But he had to chase after his dream.

His father was always at work (he'd done a great job as a father, though; Felix couldn't blame him) but whenever he tried to take two steps ahead, he'd always be pushed five steps back. He never tried after.

"Mum, I think it's time for me to decide what I want to do. I don't think I can do another year of school without dying. I think Noona is doing great in her career. Olivia has big plans too..." he trailed off and swallowed a big lump forming in his throat. "But I don't see myself restricted in an office setting. I think, and I know, in my heart that I'm meant for something else."

His mum closed her book and walked towards him, clasping his hands together. "I understand. But there are other careers out there, Yongbok-ah. You don't have to be any stuck in an office to work."

He flinched upon hearing his Korean name. She rarely called him by that, only when she  wanted to baby him. "I know. But Mum, you know I'm not a studious person. You know I don't like studying. And I don't like the sound of university."

L.F | Serrure: Yellow Wood ≈Where stories live. Discover now