4 | unconditional

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It took him a few hours to grasp what his boss said. Bang Chan excused him from game night, lying to the boys that he had eaten a lot from the restaurant. But truly, it was for him to recollect his thoughts.

It was either her or him.

But what if he wanted both?

JYP only gave him tonight to decide. And he had to act fast.

In the short term, choosing the band would benefit him. He'd be successful along with his seven other brothers, and joining the likes of K-Pop superstars like BLACKPINK and EXO is definitely within the equation, considering the charts. But success is only short-lived, and will only last long if they continue to put out music.

In the long term, he knew being an idol wouldn't last. One day, they'd lose the hype, they'd lose the support and eventually lose the JYP brand under their name. It was only a matter of when. In the long term, the thought of being with her made his heart warm. He could truly see a future with her and he wanted her to be there, by his side, when he had nothing to lose anymore.

But despite the charts, despite the numbers, despite the projected sales, he was willing to lose everything for her.

Smiling, he took his phone out of his pocket, dialled her number and waited for her to pick up. It was around 12 midnight and he expected her to be asleep. He wondered if he should do it through text, but he figured telling her in real
life would be much more romantic.

Three rings later, she picked up. "Hello, love? I've been waiting for your call!"

She had been awake. He was weak in the knees whenever she called him that. He loved the way the word love sounded from her mouth. "Love, I miss you. Can we meet, please? Same place. I've something to say to you!"

The Chinese Restaurant. Their first date spot. To go back there, with her, to confess that he really wanted to spend the rest of his life with her showed that this relationship had come full circle.

"Yeah, sure. Is there something wrong?" she seemed worried. "My friend's been keeping me up all night. Thank goodness you called."

Oh. She'd been waiting for him. She wanted to be with him. His heart fluttered at the thought of her eyes glued to her phone.

She had been nothing but a ball of sunshine. She had been waiting for his call, excited to finally see him. And now, to tell her that he had chosen her over his career... he wondered how she would react.

"Nothing's wrong. I can't wait to see you," he beamed.

She laughed a little. Cute. Felix knew she had sensed something. She probably thought something good happened in his career, but it was much better than that. "See you. I wonder what it is." She giggled before finally ending the call.

Thirty minutes later, he was in front of the restaurant. The place was empty; no one was around. The restaurant was closed (it was 2 am in the morning) and stray dogs were roaming around the area looking for food. Only a number of street lights and dim lightbulbs illuminated the streets, but Felix still wanted to be cautious. He didn't want his fans to find out he'd been meeting up with a girl in the middle of the night, in an abandoned place more so. Wearing his usual hoodie, mask and sunglasses (even though there was no sun) he waited for her arrival.

She arrived in her usual white t-shirt — hair neatly brushed and made up. Even at her simplest, she looked pretty. She smiled as she saw Felix, skipping towards him as she greeted him hello. Felix took off his sunglasses, eyeing the place nearby to ensure that no one was around.

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