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n o t e s

it was once a figment of my imagination.

a one-shot that simply stemmed from the chaos of what was about to happen. the chaos of tomorrow. the chaos of time. the chaos of reality.

i've always looked at writing as a way to escape the harsh reality. as a way to destress and meditate.

from the disarray of it all, i resorted to writing. and music. and journalling.

this was only meant to be part of the musings  book.

but when stress and anxiety overtook me in the late hours of 3am, i let my mind wander.

this has where my mind led me to.

two roads diverged from one another. i was left with a choice.

to put it literally, i decided to separate this three-part one-shot into a book of its own, because i felt the need to reach more people. i felt the need to tell that in life, we are always faced with a choice. and there will be an opportunity cost no matter which choice we decide to take.

to put it more poetically, i felt the need to explore each road more thoroughly, wondering what would happen if i were to take one path, but neglect the other. i felt like i was standing in front of two long roads leading to the unknown — one winded, one linear. i chose the latter, with the thought of the former.

the reason being is that i wanted this book to be centered on the word choice. had it not been a 3-part story (4 parts as you can see. the first being the characterisations, the second being the interlude, and the final two being the choice) i would've published it as part of my musings book.

but the thought of the other choice. the other side of the story. what i could explore with a separate book. the other road lingered in me, leading me to create a standalone book — the first being a what if. and the other being the what if of the other. 

why lee felix? no words. i've just been dead obsessed with him and stray kids lately. they're amazing people. go follow them.

i have no idea what the consequences of the choices we make are. i have no idea what the outcome of the choice we make will be. i have no idea what would have happened if we were to choose the other. nor do i have any idea on how the road may look, or how it'd feel if we were to take either.

but i know that the road i'll take will always reflect who i am.

and that road will not be the best decision.

but it is the road that will take me places through hardships and struggles, evermore.

p.s mentions of woojin. needed for the narrative.


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