Chapter 3

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Upon re-entering the house, Luciano joined the men sitting in the living room. Nina went the other way to help her mother out in the kitchen. Her mother, however, was already done. All that had to be done was set the table up for dinner.

"Is there something I can do?"

Evelyn waved her hand dismissively. "Never mind that. How did it go with him?"

Without realizing, Nina touched the ring Luciano gave her only moments ago. She wasn't sure how to answer. Her head was still too much in a state of chaos to make a full analysis on the brief meeting with her soon-to-be husband. Despite her inner turmoil, Nina made sure her outward appearance was flawless. To stay calm and collected. Elegant and graceful.

"Fine. It was fine." She showed her a quick smile.

Evelyn's gaze diverted to Nina's hand covering the shiny ring up. Rather abruptly, Evelyn took hold of her daughter's left hand. She was over the moon at the sight of the big diamond her daughter had gotten.

Nina always found her mother to a bit on the superficial side, but she understood where her mother came from. The gem she wore came with status and the size of it only amplified it. Her mother would be able to rub it in the faces of other salty women.

"Even your father didn't get me one like that when we got married. He is always so stingy. As if there is no extra money to spend," she huffed.

Nina ignored her mother's complaint and asked if anything of importance had happened in the meantime.

"I don't know how but by the grace of God your brother kept himself in check. But that's probably thanks to... what was his name again? The one with blonde hair?"

"Do you mean Nero?"

"Yes, him. He looks like a smart man. I don't think Giorgio will try to fight him. It's more Luciano and Giorgio I'm worried about."

Nina agreed. Judging from what she witnessed of their previous encounter, they were like water and oil. Having heard Luciano's criticism about her brother didn't appease her mind either. She was thankful they wouldn't be seeing much of each other in the future.

Evelyn grabbed the lasagne out of the oven and put it with the other dishes on the long table. Usually, she had the maids do the cooking in the house. Tonight, she wanted to impress her guests. When it came down to it, Evelyn made for a good host. While her daughter set the table up, she called the men for dinner.

Carlos was the last one to take his seat at the dining table. Nina settled in the chair between her mother and brother. Luciano and Nero sat opposite to them.

"Shall we say grace?" Carlos said as a kindly reminder making Giorgio place his silverware back on table.

Nina clasped her hands together whilst praying she was only imagining the expression on Giorgio's face. One that didn't bode well. Her brother looked like he wanted to call it a day. Nina could only hope for the rest of the evening to go without any more hitches.

Giorgio used to be someone who often sought out conflict. Once during a social gathering, Nina took the blame for his actions, resulting in people pointing an accusing finger at his sister. Ever since the incident, Giorgio wanted to be less like a little brother and more like a dependable older brother to Nina. Grow up for both their sakes.

"I won't try anything, so you can stop looking at me every second," Nina heard her brother say quietly.

She hadn't realised what she was doing until her brother pointed it out.

I must have looked really antsy if Giorgio could see it as well. I need to hold out a little longer. Tops an hour until they leave.

The voice of her mother brought Nina out of her thoughts.

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