Chapter 12

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Indigo hugged Nina's body like second skin once she zipped the back. Hints of gold were sprinkled throughout her jewellery. The second drop earring was picked up the same time her husband entered the dressing room. Nina spun around while securing the earring in its place and watched him from afar.

In the past week, Nina had spent most of her days alone. Luciano was away a lot, constantly working and preparing for his new role in The Outfit. Instead, Teodoro had been keeping Nina company. Her brother-in-law kept true to his words and visited her another two times. So far, she knew him better than her own husband.

The minute Luciano entered the dressing room, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was alluring to him. Whenever they shared the same space, his gaze gravitated toward Nina.

While he was checking her out, Nina did the same to him. His hair was slicked back, not a single strand out of place. He wore a crisp white dress shirt, the collar standing up, black dress pants and polished shoes.

It was the day when Luciano would officially become the Don of The Chicago Outfit and a celebration would be held in honour of it.

"Are you ready?" he asked before heading to his side of the room and grabbed something. He went to stand in front of the long mirror against the wall, his hands tying a tie and grey eyes flickering over to Nina.

"Yes," she replied, smoothing out her evening dress.

"I didn't mean it in the literal sense. There will be a lot of new faces for you. Are you nervous?"


Once the collar was fixed and the suit jacket on him, Luciano bridged the short distance between them. "I hope you will be capable of giving a little bit more than one syllable responses when you meet the rest of the family." He caressed her cheek with a feather-like touch.

Nina's lips stretched up into a tight smile. "I know what I have to do."

"Will I get a preview?" He pushed for more.

Nina was torn on what to do. Adhere to his wish and give him what he wanted or give him the cold shoulder.

"You'll see it once we get there," she said and stepped away.

Luciano's arm shot out, caging her. "So you will be the loving wife I was promised?"

The change in the air made her feel an inch smaller. The patter of her heartbeat was no longer steady as she was backed up against the wall. Her face, however, didn't reveal anything. It carried the same calm it always did.

"Always," Nina replied, and by force of habit, her lips pulled into a sugar-sweet smile.

She watched his brows draw together, his eyes narrowing along with it. There was a stretched silence before he spoke again.

"We need to be early to welcome the guests." He dropped his arm. "Come."

They proceeded to leave for the celebratory event which was held at Nicolò's mansion. It was tradition that the official announcement be held and hosted by the previous Don. It was like that when Luciano's father became Don and it was the same now that it was his turn.

Driving to Luciano's grandfather seemed to be over in a flash, not strange considering he lived in the same neighbourhood as them. The gates already stood wide open and made men with rifles were posted on either side of the road. Luciano parked the car and they got out, his hand rested on Nina's lower back, guiding her to the Victorian style mansion. They passed another two armed men guarding the entrance and got greeted by Nicolò.

"It is good to see you again, Nina," said Nicolò and turned to Luciano. "Nero is already here. Why don't you go to him? He had something to discuss with you and it's still a while until people start coming in."

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