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"Just a sprain! that might 'n just well be a break!" he winces

"hey, I know it hurts but you need to get up for me" I nod my head

"o-ok" he groans

"ow, ow, owww" he winces as I put my arm under his armpits to keep him balanced up on his feet

"stop whinging and be quiet" I shush him taking a small step forward

"so no picnic?" Hayley asks watching what's going on'

"sorry Hays maybe we could after we go back to the palace, we need to get him back to fix him" I explain to her

"no I don't wanna bother you, you too have your picnic, I'll walk back myself" he demands

"really? try walking then" I say sarcastically letting him go and crossing my arms, he straightens his back and takes a step to fall flat on his face on a rock

"oWwW" he groans in pain

"yeah...well that's what happens, I'm sorry luv" I shrug

"you can be such a nincompoop Louis" I laugh helping him up

"I'm fineee" he claims

"ha, well you just fell flat on your face and have a dash on your face so, you're not fine" Hayley laughs

"sorry for ruining your day your highness and Hayley" he sighs

"how do you know me?" Hayley asks walking beside us as I helped louis walk, well limp? yeah

"you come around the palace every once in a while so I kind of have to know you" he responds

"that's nice, who are you though, wait Y/n! is thi-" she starts but I cut her off

"No!, Hayley I know what your thinking and no that's not it" I shake my head making her pout

"I um, I'm a servant that works here" louis says lowly

"oh!? that makes sense now" she nods as she understands

"I really don't want to bother your guys' picnic, just let me walk by myself" he whinges

"well I really want that picnic we planned, what if we just let him come with us, what's the harm In that, he can rest his ankle while we're there" Hayley suggests

"that doesn't sound bad, is that ok with you Lou?" I ask with a smile as I stop walking

"lou? only my friends call me that" he says furrowing his eyebrows

"oh sorry, I didn't mean to-" he cuts me off

"no, I didn't meant that, well kinda you're not my friend but-no-I'm going to stop talking" he sighs

"yeah that would be best" Hayley nods

"well shall we go to the picnic?" she continues

"we shall" I nod and walk still supporting Louis with his ankle

-skip to when we get to the palace cause the picnic isn't important-

"ow, ow-" Louis winces as we walk back to the castle

"are you ok?" I ask holding his shoulder

"yes your majesty, I'm fine don't worry" he responds scrunching his nose, he is able to walk but with a limp

"well thank you for keeping us company at our picnic today Louis" Hayley implies

"yes thank you Louis" I agree

-they walk in the castle and get greeted by King Noen-

"what happened and why is he limping?" He asks sternly

"I-" I cut him off

"It was my fault father, I made him sprain his ankle" I looked down, it was a lie but I didn't want him to get in trouble

"is that true, Hayley?" he turns to her, I give her a look saying to say yes

"yes King Noen, I-um it is correct" she hesitantly nodded

"Y/n, you know better than to hurt our staff, now he has to work with that foot!" he says harshly

"yes, father it won't happen again, I am very sorry" I nod looking at Louis in the eyes, he gave me a confused smile-type expression

"Partridge, you shall go and do some laundry, Hayley go freshen up while I talk to my daughter for a moment" he demands, they nod and Louis limps away slowly as Hayley waves lightly at me

"Anne!" he calls out and not even a minute after my mother comes walking down the hall

"oh! yes" she stops walking as she comes closer to us

"Y/n, honey" my mother starts, I furrow my eyebrows in curiosity on what they are going to say

"you're getting married" they both stated in sync, I giggle but then see their straight faces

"w-what?" I stutter

"you're getting married, we found you and both your sisters a man to fit your needs" my father implies

"needs? what needs?!" I scoff throwing my hands in the air

"we found you a lovely boy named Finn Charles Lockridge, he will be the one you will marry" mother finished

"but I don't want to get married" I stated with a disgusted look on my face

"that it one thing you need to get educated out of you" my father hissed

"no, I want to choose who I want to marry" I say growing little tears in my e/c orbs

"well then, we can arrange a ball, all the finest men will be invited and you shall pick who you want" my father held his head high

"I-" I start but my mouth can't produce any words, so I turn and march quickly up to my room with tears falling down my rosy cheeks

"hey, darling, what's wrong?" Hayley pulls me in into a light hug once I come in my room

"I don't want to get married" I choke out

"oh.." she sighs

"who do they want you to marry?" she continued

"Finn something Lockridge" I reply making her eyebrows raise

"Finn!, He is like, that most handsome prince in the country! I heard he had something for you but LUCKY, you get to marry him" she celebrates

"no, I don't want to get married to him, not at all, now my parents are arranging a ball where boys all around the country come and I choose, I don't want that, I'm not even 16 yet!" I panic

"breathe, Y/n breathe it will be ok" Hayley demonstrates

"I can't!" I choke out

"what's going on" A familiar voice says, I turn around and see Louis, I loosen my grip on Hayley and run to Louis pulling him in an embrace making him fall back at my sudden movement making me fall on him

"I'm sorry" I mumble

"what's wrong" He asks not moving

"please don't make me get married" I say gripping on him tighter


Not Cinderella 》☆》 Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now