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"the royal highness and princess of the Lunora Empire, Y/n Farrington-Lovell is holding a ball to meet her husband-to-be this Monday, in the next day to come. The fine 6 men for her choosing is:

The one and only Finn Lockridge, 17, Abelardo Williams, 18, Andrew Edwards, 17, Louis Ambrose, 16, Leonardo Kingsley, 16, and finally Maximus Lockhart, 17.

These fine men have been called 'suited' for the young princess by her parents, the king and queen of the Lunora Empire, all these young men are overwhelmed to be attending the princess's ball and ready to be called her husband, but only one will walk away called a future husband to be. Who do you think the young princess will choose?" I read out from todays newspaper front page aloud as we eat breakfast, tomorrows the day of the ball, I don't know what to think, tomorrow it'll technically have a fiancé.

"you nervous?" my mother asks after swallowing a spoon of porridge

"a little" I mumble looking at my fruit salad

"no need to fret, the paper said the boys are overwhelmed to be in this position, you are a beautiful young lady" Noen, my father says pointing his fork at me

"that's not what I'm nervous about father" I sigh looking down playing with a ring on my finger

"what is it then, hun?" mother asks, putting her spoon down.

well I can't just tell them I don't want to get married, this is mandatory, I don't have a choice or say

"I don't know" I mutter making Hayley, the one sitting beside me the only one to hear

"pardon?" Anne says

"she says she doesn't know" Hayley says for me

"who wouldn't be nervous, you're meeting Finn Lockridge, he is one FINE young man" Holly laughs

"yes, and you're not" mother responds making Holly's smile drop as she looks at Anne and glares at her muttering something and slouching in her chair

"don't slouch, it's bad for your posture, Y/n can teach you that" Noen says

"no thanks" Holly says disgusted

"you're just jealous" I roll my eyes

"honey you don't need to be nervous, we'll be there, the men's parents will, but you won't be with us, you'll have half an half an hour with each them, then have a mix dance where you rotate your partner to dance. you, Hayley, Minnie and your 2 cousins will be dancing. then choose at the end of the night, which will be 12AM" Anne explains to you. you nod

"why not me!" Holly says loudly

"because, you have a date tomorrow and we don't want you drooling over Finn" Noen rolls his eyes.

"oh? really, do I really have a date with Carter, mother he has crooked teeth!" Holly cries out

"appearance doesn't matter, Holly. now breakfast is over" Noen says sternly getting up with his servant pushing in his chair, I feel my chair get pulled back and I smile, getting up watching Louis tuck it back in for me, he turns to me stiffly and smiles. everyone walks out of the room with the kitchen servants putting the food on the tray

"you can eat mine, I only had 2 strawberries and a pineapple" I say to the lady taking my food away, she has short blonde hair and brown eyes, she was pretty. she smiles and walks away, I look back at Louis to see him waiting, I raise my eyebrows also waiting for directions

"are you going to start walking your highness?" he asks looking a tiny bit annoyed

"no list for me to do today?" I asks confused

Not Cinderella 》☆》 Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now