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I'm up, showered and dressed, sitting at the kitchen table eating some crunchy nut cornflakes.

I hear footsteps and laughter behind me.

"Morning Harry!" Niall says, cheerfully. I turn around and see him half dressed, holding hands with Zayn.

"This is Zayn." He introduces us. I've seen him before, but never been formally introduced to him.

He holds out his hand and I shake it.

"Nice to meet you Harry. Niall never stops talking about you." He smiles. He's very pretty.

"Nice to finally meet you too."

"Sorry to rush off. Gotta be at work in an hour. See you soon Harry." He says. "And I can't wait to see you again." He says to Niall, taking his face in his hands and kissing him.

I turn back to my cereal as they seem to kiss for an eternity. I feel kind of jealous. I've never kissed anyone before and I wonder what it feels like.

"Bye." They say to each other and Niall shows him out.

He sits opposite me.

"So...you had a good night then?" I ask.

"Yeah. Sorry if we kept you up."

I blush. "It's ok. I better get dressed."

"You ok Harry?" He asks as I'm walking away.

"Yes. I'm fine. Just tired." I smile then walk away.


"Morning." I say as I enter the shop.

"Hi." Louis replies, with a big smile, which drops when he sees my face. "What's up? You don't look happy."

I sigh as I hang my coat up. It's a miserable day, cold and raining. I hate days like this. Makes me depressed.

"I'm OK. Just hate this weather."

I start work, cutting up the homemade fudge we make in the back of the shop. I'm busy concentrating so I don't cut myself, so I'm not very talkative.

"You sure you're OK? You look a bit pale." Louis asks. Come to think of it, I do feel a bit bleurgh today.

"Go sit down for a bit. I'll finish that."

I don't reply, just nod and walk to the back room, sitting down and resting my head on my folded arms on the table.


"Harry? Harry?" I feel my arm being poked, waking up suddenly, forgetting where I am.

"Lou? Oh I'm sorry I fell asleep." I say. I sit up and immediately feel sick.

"You look awful. You should go home." He says, studying my face carefully.

I jump up quickly, rushing to the toilet, making it just in time, throwing up. I hate being sick, even more so in front of people. I feel a hand run up and down my back, just as I throw up again. Shit.

When I think I'm done, I sit back. I feel like total crap, my head is pounding and my stomach aches.

"Shit Harry. You should've said you were sick. You could've stayed home." Louis says after a couple minutes of silence.

I try to stand up but I stumble backwards, Louis catches me and helps me back to the chair I had hurried away from. I sit down and he kneels I front of me.

"I'm sorry." I say, my throat hoarse from vomitting.

"Hey. No need to be sorry. You should go home though. I'm gonna take you."

Tastes So Sweet (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now