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I've been having therapy.

I've had so many bad feelings, that Louis had to drag me to see someone. I'm thankful he did, as I have felt better since I started going.

My therapist, Mabel, is wonderful. She's helped me so much. I see her once a week now. She's pleased with my progress.

My Doctor prescribed antidepressants. I needed them. Louis had got so worried, as I had shut myself away for a while. I felt guilty for having so many nightmares, and my insecurities.

Louis. My world. Honestly, I really don't know what I would do without him. I had such bad thoughts, that I really didn't want to be alive anymore. It got that bad.

He pulled me back from the brink. I owe him everything.

So...here we are.

September 28th. Just over a year since the mugging.

"Harry...you're so handsome." Mum says as she straightens my tie, trying not to cry.

I smile. Before, I probably would've told her I wasn't. That she was only saying that because she's my Mum.

But now, I take the compliment.

"Louis is a very lucky man." She added.

It's our wedding day. We've been planning it since Christmas, when Louis asked to name the date.

Our families have been amazing. And our friends.

They helped us with so much organising.

I'm nervous as hell and I'm missing Louis.

I haven't seen him for 12 hours now. The longest we've been apart since we got together. But in a few minutes I'll see him at the altar and I can't wait.

My stomach is in knots.

"You ok love?" Mum asks.

I nod. "Yeah. Just nervous."

"You'll be fine. Just think, in a little while you'll be married to Louis and going on that honeymoon you've been talking non stop about." She laughed.

I smile again and take some deep breaths to calm myself down.

There's a knock at the door and it opens. It's Niall. My best man. He comes in.

"Wow! You look amazing Harry. Are you ready to go? Louis' waiting."

My heart starts pounding in my chest.

"Y-Yeah." I can hardly speak.

Mum takes my hand and kisses my cheeks. "You'll be fine love. Let's go."


My palms are sweaty. I hear the music start as Niall stands beside me. "You ok mate?"

I nod.

"Go get your man." He whispers.

We start walking up the aisle. Our families and friends all smiling at us. I see Louis ahead and my heart beats faster. He's smiling, the biggest smile I've ever seen on him before.

I reach him after what seemed like the longest walk ever. He takes my hands.

"You look beautiful." He whispers as everyone takes their seats.

"You t-too." I reply, shyly.

The vicar begins the ceremony.

After some words from him and some hymns, we say our vows adding our own little piece to the normal.

Tastes So Sweet (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now