The Manberg Festival (P1)

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Sally sat down. Today was the festival, and poor Tubbo had been forced to write a speech. Sally was eager to hear it. She wanted to use it as something against Schlatt. Fundy sat beside Sally. "Hey, Mom," he said, nervously, because Sally was liable to snap at any given moment. Schlatt learn this the hard way. "Hey, son," Sally said, right before she looked on top of the nearest building. There was Wilbur, a brown trench coat over his now dirty yellow sweater, wearing the red beanie Sally hand given him so long ago. Tommy looked more clean, and some straps and a bandana that was red. "Alright, Tubbo. Show em your speech," Schlatt said, nodding to Tubbo. Tubbo stood up, and walked to the mic. "Testing- ouch! Yeah, it works," Tubbo said, wincing at the mic feedback. Schlatt chuckles, the only sign he was sane. Tubbo cleated his throat, "A wise man once told me, that L'Manburg was like a lettuce. There's so many layer of tasty and healthy goodness, and once you wash off all the caterpillars and worms off the surface, it's a pretty goddamn good meal. Schlatt has successfully washed all of the insects off our great nation. And with that, he's allowed the goodness and tastiness to shine through." Wilbur and Tommy appeared to be arguing about something. Sally knew she couldn't help. The two seemed to stop arguing.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like you to look around at what we've built today. Look at each other. All of this, thanks to democracy and the leadership of Jschlatt. Our people have been beaten down by rulers and dictators for so long. Now, we are finally free!" Sally made a quick note about something. "Free to elect who we want. Free to live how we want, and most importantly, free to go wherever we want without the CONFINE of those huge black walls. So with that in mind, I would like to thank everyone for coming to this wonderful event. Let the festival begin!" Tubbo finished his speech, and everyone clapped. Schlatt clapped slowly, and laughed. The mic picked it up, and everyone fell silent. "You done with that speech, Tubbo?" Schlatt asked. "Oh- uh yeah," Tubbo said. Schlatt pressed a button, and a box wrapped around the chair and Tubbo. "Schlatt- I cant get out," Tubbo said nervously. "Oh, I know," Schlatt stood up, and walked to the mic.

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