May Allah give us life changing good that even change us to good . May Allah give us our home. May Allah give us sweetness of faith,worship and peace and ease in talking to Him.

May Allah protect us from  turmoil, humiliation and our fears. may Allah never make us go through our fears. May He keep us grateful and happy. May Allah heal, fix and mend all our broken pieces , traumas and all that need fixing .

May He enable us to rely on Him like He deserves and entrust our affairs to Him. May he give us good peoples in life . May Allah make us be honoured like Islam prescribed .

May He set our priorities right, keep right and wrong clear , make us choose the right and make it easy.

May He enable us to recognize and apologize for our faults and keep us free of ego,arrogance ,pride, stinginess and all that lead to destruction.

May He give us meaningful life and make us fulfill our purpose easily . May He make us not sleep angry with our loved ones.

May He make learning so easy that just with a glance we get memorised with it, understand it and enable us to act upon the good easily. may He make our memory strong and blessed.

May he remove forgetfullness from us. May we learn our lessons easily. May he give us chances and opportunities when even we can take it , enable us to take it and use it correct way. May Allah not be harsh with us. May he give us peace in all aspects .

May Allah give us people in life and relationship who genuinely want good for us and happy with our happiness and keep us safe from people who want bad for us and safe from those who are happy with our sadness.

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