Part 18: Fallen Angels

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"You don't understand Adrien," Hawkmoth snapped, trailing a hand along the glass of his wife's coffin, "I'm doing this for your mother, for us."

Chat Noir could feel Ladybug watching him closely, likely worried about him as always. He hoped that after everything was over she could finally stop worrying so much. She deserved that much. He hoped that they could be done, that they could put away their miraculous' and just rest for a while. They both deserved that much.

"You can say that all you want," Chat stated, more confident than he thought he'd be when face to face with the man who he'd once thought of as his father, "but it doesn't make it right. Especially after all you've done."

"I know I hurt you son," Hawkmoth said, a sad but determined tone on his voice. He had a feeling it was an act, "and I'm sorry for that, but I can make up for it, don't you want your mother back?"

"You put a blade in his gut!!" Ladybug yelled, unable to sit back, "You think you can make up for that?!"

Chat grabbed her arm, signaling to her to let him handle it. He watched her calm herself, then scold herself for losing control.

"Of course I want her back," Chat countered, his voice breaking. He ignored that small sign of weakness, "But not like this. You know this is wrong. She would never want this."

Hawkmoth's eyes flickered, as if his son's words had actually registered with him, and he'd chosen to ignore them, "NO! You don't know what she would want! You're mother would want to live! To be with me again!"

Ladybug placed a quiet hand to his back as Chat Noir continued to argue with his father. Her small fingers were trembling with restraint and it wasn't helping because all he wanted to was kiss those fingers and then kiss her silly. He shook his head, focusing on the moment at hand but promising he'd return to that thought later, "But you aren't you anymore!! Being Hawkmoth has consumed you, she wouldn't recognize who you are now!"

The madness in his father's eyes sparkled, and Chat barely pulled Ladybug out of the way before his blade swept through the air towards her. Chat shoved her further behind him.

"Stop!" He yelled, withdrawing his stick, "You have to stop this."

"Listen to him," Ladybug said, rebelling against his attempt to keep her back. His father wouldn't hesitate in killing her, "it's not too late to do the right thing."

"Both of you," Hawkmoth chuckled maliciously, "Both of you are so naïve. I am the only one who is willing to do what it takes."

"But is what it takes worth it?!" Ladybug endeavored to reason with him, "You're losing your son in the process!"

Hawkmoth just smirked, "Sacrifices must be made," The words hit Chat like knives, "though I never intended one of them to be you, my son."

Bull shit. Chat knew that may not have been his intention but he sure as hell didn't care now. Adrien had never been as important as Emilie.

"Please father," he pleaded, running his hands haphazardly through his hair, "there's got to be some other way to wake her up. I thought she was dead! You could have at least told me."

Ladybug tensed beside him, clearly struggling against her better judgement. Nothing seemed to be working.

"Don't you think I've tried everything to wake her up?! No Adrien, telling you would have been a cruelty, it would have been giving you hope where there is none. You're mother is not dead, but neither is she alive." Hawkmoth twirled his sword in his hands, Chat Noir didn't notice it was to hide the shaking of his father's hands. His uncertainty.

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