Nice Catch?

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I woke up by phone ringtone. It's Yaya.

"Hello what happened on this earth? Why are you calling me so early?"

"Oh god breakfast time is going to end. Hurry up"

"What! Ok ok I am coming."

I got down from bed. Dressed up and run to dining hall.

"Yaya I am here."

"Ok ok take your breakfast then we will talk."

I took some good looking foods. Suddenly I saw the bunch of the boys from yesterday were looking at me. God so embarrassing. I changed my plate hurriedly. I don't want them to think I am fat. I took some fruits and salad.

I came back to my table. Then Yaya opened her mouth.

"Gross! What are you having?"

"Healthy salad and fruits. Wanna try some?"

"No thanks. You changed a lot after yesterday."

"No. What're you saying?"

"So what's between you and Han Shangyan?"

"Han Shangyan? Who is this?"

"Whom you were sleeping with yesterday. How did you find him? How can you be so lucky? And you slept already?"

"Lucky! Why am I lucky?"

"Oh god you know about Gun God. Right?"

"Yeah the CTF star player. Who retired 10 years ago. Who doesn't know him?"

"Yeah then what you're saying? Han Shangyan is Gun God."

"Whattttttt?!"I mean it's ummm he is ahhh!!!!!

The whole world broke up on my head. Seriously! How can this possible? Suddenly the bunch of boys came to our table.

Grunt- "Ok sister in law I am Grunt. I know you have heard my name."

97-"I am 97. I have a real name but I forgot that name. Nice to meet you."

Demo-"And I am little Demo. I am the youngest player in this team."

One-"I am One. I also have a name. But everyone calls me One."

97-"What's your name sister in law?"

"My name is Tong Nian. You can call me Tong Nian."

97-"Do you study?"

"Yeah I am a postgraduate student."

Grunt-"Can I have your weibo account?"

"My account? Ok. Take it."

Grunt was searching my name.

Demo-"What do you do?"

97-"Do you have any hobby?"

"Maybe I am an online singer. And I also play ACM."

Demo-"Online singer!? What's your name?"

"Search Little Squid."

Grunt-"Oh gosh! You are so famous in weibo. You have so many followers."

Demo-"You're ranked 1 singer in net-easy music.And you have more followers than us!!!"

97-"You are also in Baidu. You are too famous."

Grunt-"But you look young than a postgraduate student."

"Yeah because when I admitted to college I was 15 years old."

Demo-"How come I am also 15 years old but I am in high school?"

"Because college have junior classes."

97-"It means you are a top student!!!! You are so awesome!!!!!!"

Suddenly Yaya called me.

"Tong Nian! Come here. Boss is calling you."

"Bye guys. See you later."

"Bye sister in law."

Grunt-"I can't understand how can boss find such an amazing girl as his girlfriend? I have so many girlfriends. But if one is beautiful then she is an idiot. If one is brilliant then I can't look at her."

Demo-"Right. Boss found a 5 star girl." 

97-"Ha beauty with brain."

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