Rival?Or not?

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Everything went smoothly.  Tong Nian's mom didn't say anything at all because even if she is not sure about this trip, she trusts Nian Nian. She also helped her to pack the bags. Tong Nian was so excited that she couldn't sleep at all. She was more excited because it was first going out after their relationship. Though it's not that kind of relationship she doesn't care. She wants to cherish this moment at any cost. She started jumping on the bed. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. 

"Come in," she said.

Her dad came inside with a full smile.

"I think you are excited. Aren't you?"

"Yeah, dad I am. I think this is the first time I am that much happy."

"Really? You like him that much?"

"I don't know that dad. But I feel really happy around him. He is so hardworking and so much attentive about his work it feels satisfying."

"Really? I thought girls don't like workaholic guys. Your mom always hated me because of this."

"Uhu, mom never hated you because of this. She always admired you because of your dedication to work. Maybe she just felt alone sometimes."

"Ok just leave it. Just remember if he breaks your heart I won't spare him."


After her dad left the room she started to text Han Shangyan.

"Are you sleeping?"

A long time went by but he didn't text back. Tong Nian was just going to sleep suddenly her phone started to vibrate. Han Shangyan called! 


"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing is wrong. Why?"

"Then why did you text me!"

"I just texted you casually"

"Oh! I thought something important."

"Oh sorry. We normally prefer text. If something important happens then we call."

"Age gap and generation gap problem maybe."

"A-ah no no!"

"Whatever have you packed winter clothes?"

"Yes, I have."

" Ok. I will pick you up at sharp 7 am."

"Ok bye-bye. Good Nig........ht!"

And he already hangs up.

The night passes slowly for Tong Nian. She just wants to wake up and go with him.

She woke up at 5 am. She started to roam around the house and play with her dog Summer. 

Her mom understood her voice from her room. She just smiled and understood why her little Nian woke up so early. 

Tong Nian got ready and started to wait for Han Shangyan.

Han Shangyan texted her-

"Come out."

Tong Nian took her luggage and went outside of her house.

She saw Han Shangyan is standing in front of his car as usual in his black clothes. He took her luggage and kept it in his car. She sat beside him.

"Let's Go."

It was completely silent. Tong Nian started feeling uneasy. She looked at Han Shangyan who was driving carefully. Maybe Han Shangyan also noticed her movement with the corner of his eyes.
"Do you need anything? " he asked her while looking in front.
"N-no. Don’t you hear music while driving?"
"Music? Maybe sometimes. Why? Do you want to hear?"
"Ahh, I think it will be better."
"Ok choose then."
Tong Nian chose romantic soft music.
She never felt romantic songs that much but now she was feeling relaxed.
She started to notice Han Shangyan by the corner of her eyes.
His facial expression never changes. Suddenly she felt that he stopped the car.
"We arrived. Stop looking at me and get down."
She felt so embarrassed! She quickly got down from the car.
Han Shangyan grabbed his and her luggage.
She started to follow him. They entered into the airport and saw the whole group of K&K. Everyone gathered when they saw them.
Demo comes to Tong Nian.
"Sister in law! You came with boss!?"
"This is the first time boss brought a girl with us!"
"Really? Ahh had he ever a girlfriend?"
"Girlfriend? What are you saying? Who will like him?"
Han Shangyan's voice interrupted their conversation.
"Demo? Do you want to stay here and talk? Let me check-in for you."
"Ah, sorry boss. I was giving instructions to our sister-in-law."
"She doesn't need instructions from you. I am here for her."
Demo quickly left.
"Don't mind them. They are talkative."
"No no, I like them."
He looked at her as he heard any joke.

They safely arrived at their destination.
Han Shangyan and his team waiting at the hotel for their room. Han Shangyan was talking to the receptionist when 'SP' entered.
Tong Nian saw a gorgeous lady with a graceful face.
"Oh! Isn't it Appledog!?" She thought. She talked with her last time.
After getting home she searched everything about Han Shangyan. That's how she understood how he is involved with Solo and Appledog.
97 came to Tong Nian and sat beside her.
"Ahh, sister-in-law? Are you looking at her?"
"Ummm yeah. She is really pretty."
"Yeah, she is. It's not only you. Even boss also think this."
"How do you know that?"
"What? Haven't you heard the rumor?"
"What rumor?"
"I think you didn't study properly sister-in-law. Ok, I'm here. So everyone thinks that Appledog is Boss's ex. And she is the reason why he left Solo's team and hates Solo."
"What? I thought he doesn't have any ex."
"Yeah, he never said that but it's a rumor. And our captain---------"
Wu Bai suddenly sat beside them.
"What are you two talking about?"
97-"Captain I was explaining boss's relationship with Appledog to sister-in-law."
"Which relationship?"
"Ahh that rumor and all."
"Oh. I don't think that's true. And don't spread things without knowing."
97-"What? Look at Appledog. How is she looking at the boss! See!"
Tong Nian looked at Wu Bai and somehow understood that Wu Bai likes Appledog. She saw the tension in his eyes.
97-"Sister-in-law, just remember that she is your rival and I think you should change your dress up and become a real lady."
"M-my what!"
"Your dress up. I think your dress up is too pure."
"Pure? What does it mean?"
"Uff how to say? You need sexiness."
Wu Bai-"Hey don't listen to him. What are you blabbering?"
"I'm not blabbering. Google it. Just google it."
"Google can't say how many times you poop. But your fangirls obviously search this."
"What? Then you say. What is between them? Say?"
After a long silence----
"I can't take it. I am going. And you 97 come with me."

Wu Bai and 97 left Tong Nian in a dilemma and she started to think about what she can do now! She doesn't take 97 seriously but Wu Bai! He is a serious guy. Why can't he answer? Is Appledog really her rival?

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