Infidelity - Part 6

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2   Y E A R S   L A T E R

Hoseok went out of the therapy room. He looked at his foot and smiled brightly.

No cast.

He's not going to use crutches anymore.

"Hyung!!" He looked at his side, seeing Jimin approaching him.

Jimin stopped as he saw Hoseok, standing straight. Without cast and crutch. He smiled.

"Is this true?! Y-you can walk now?!" Jimin ask and Hoseok nodded happily. Jimin looked at the paper Hoseok was holding, seeing Hoseok's therapy records.

"Hobi-hyung! Jimin-hyung!" Both Hoseok and Jimin looked at the direction where the voice came, and they saw Jungkook running to them.

The younger stopped running and looked at Hoseok who was standing.

"Is this for real?" Jungkook was looking at Hoseok's leg.

"Yes it is... I'm alright now..." As Hoseok said those words, Jungkook jumped to hug him tightly and started crying. Jimin pats the younger's back and Hoseok caressed his hair.

"Yah, why are you crying?" Hoseok asked him.

"I c-can't believe that, you were totally fine now... Senior..." Jungkook sniffs and released the hug and looked at Hoseok. Hoseok smiled.

"Thank you... Jungkook, Jimin... For everything..." Hoseok hugged the two younger and they hugged him back. Hoseok was totally happy. He could fulfill his dream again.


"Namjoon..." Yoongi knocks on Namjoon's door.

In years that had passed, Hoseok's absence affected him a lot. Yoongi noticed that Namjoon became colder than he was. He spits out fire all of a sudden to their staffs without any valid reasons. No one could come near him because of the changes right after Hoseok left him.

Namjoon regretted everything. He kept on praying in the past 2 years that Hoseok might come when he gets drunk. He kept on hoping that Hoseok will bring him lunch by looking at the door of his studio. He also kept on waiting at the door of their bedroom to open as Hoseok finished on showering. Waking up in the morning with a hug, and a pancake with a smiley face from chocolate syrup.

But, it was his fault anyways.

Namjoon blames himself from Hoseok's injury. He thinks that it happened right after he caught him and Seokjin making out.

"Yes, hyung?" Namjoon answered and Yoongi knocked again.

"Open the door... I brought food..."

"Leave it there.." Namjoon said and Yoongi sighed deeply and put the tray right in front of the younger's bedroom.

Yoongi went down and saw one of their friends, Taehyung. He sat down in front of him.

"Did he accepted the food?" Taehyung asked and Yoongi nodded.

"But he didn't let me in..." Yoongi sighed and looked at the door of Namjoon's bedroom.

"Hyung..." Yoongi looked at Taehyung who just called him. "I'm dead worried about him..."


"What if he had done something to himself? How if he hurts himself?" Taehyung bit his lip and Yoongi clenched his jaw and stood up.


Namjoon was sitting at his bed while staring at his window. He sighed and gets his phone and looked at his wallpaper.

Hoseok's photo made him tear up and remember memories back then, that made him to regret everything he had done.

Namjoon stood up and and walked to the terrace and looked outside. He felt the warm breeze of the air and he smiled sadly.

"Are you.... Alright?" Namjoon said amd his tears fell.


"Hey, I'm alright... Stop worrying!" Hoseok giggled as Jungkook kept on asking him.

"Don't overuse your leg, okay?" Hoseok nodded on what had Jimin said. They were at the practice room and Hoseok starts to dance calmly.

He looks at himself at the mirror, watching his own moves while looking at his leg.


Hoseok looked at Jungkook and Jimin who's smiling at him.

"I... I really can dance now!" Hoseok looked again at the mirror and the two young boys cheered for him. Jimin played a song and dragged Hoseok with them and started dancing.


"What? Hoseok's done with his therapy?" Namjoon went to the hospital the next day. The nurse nodded while holding Hoseok's hospital records.

"Yes sir, he just went out of the hospital earlier after his last check up..." Namjoon thanked the nurse and went out of the hospital. He saw Yoongi, waiting for him.

"Y-yoongi-hyung..." Namjoon looked at Yoongi who's approaching him.

"Why did you go out?"

"I am searching for Hoseok-"

Yoongi scoffed and glared at Namjoon.

"Stop... When are you going to stop, Kim Namjoon? How if he literally left you?" Namjoom shook his heas and smiled, bitterly.

"No.... He promised..." Namjoon's tears fell while looking at his wrist being held by Yoongi.

"Promises are meant to be broken, Namjoon..." Yoongi hugged Namjoon and let the younger to cry on his shoulders. Namjoon cried his heart out and hugged Yoongi back.

"H-hyung... I badly w-wanted him back..." Namjoon hiccuped. Yoongi understands how the younger felt, since....

He is one of Hoseok's past.


"Are you sure?" Namjoon smiled at Yoongi and nodded.

"I'll just go to my studio... I'll get something..." Yoongi nodeed and bid his goodbyes to Namjoon then left.

Namjoon sighed and looked at the road, letting the vehicles pass right in front of him.

"Everything's meaningless... Since you're not coming back..."


Jungkook was driving his car with Jimin and Hoseok at the passenger seat. They are laughing while talking about something.

"Truthfully, I felt happy since you can dance again, hyung.." Jungkook said while smiling. Jimin was scrolling down on his phone and Hoseok just smiled at Jungkook.

"Me too.. Really..."

Hoseok looked at the road and his eyes went wide, seeing a tall guy standing in frontlt of their vehicle.


Jungkook got shocked when he saw the guy standing in front of them. He immediately stopped the car and all of them inside were indeed shocked.

"W-what... Hey! Are you stupid?!" Jimin shouted as the guy didn't even flinched as their car stopped.

Hoseok went out of the car and closed the door and approached the guy.

"Mister! Are you alright?!" Hoseok bowed at him even though the guy is not facing him. "I apologize—"

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