12. F*ck Yourself, Please

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         I DIDN'T HAVE A CHANCE to think about what I'd seen until two days later, when I dreamed of her again.

        Her mouth traced the inside of my thigh. Heat slid through me, and I felt it as my skin warmed to pink.

        "Right there." I didn't even recognize my own voice—the breathless, needy moan that escaped.

        "Right . . . here?" I knew she was teasing me. I couldn't take it; my hips writhed against her mouth. I bucked forward, fingers tangling into her hair. "Or . . . here?"

        I couldn't speak. Couldn't do anything but repeat her name, over and over, a frantic rhythm as she brought me to the edge.

        I needed her. This.

        My mouth opened in wordless pleasure, every thought vanishing. Her lips traced the apex of my thighs, her tongue swirling in a way that made me see stars.

        And then I woke up.

       Claudia was sitting on the edge of my bed.

       "So," she said. "Any particular reason why you keep saying Monroe, Monroe, Monroe in your sleep?"

       "No!" I scrambled to sit up. "And why are you in my room?"

       "You're late for school and Aaron is honking outside. Mom is getting pissed."

       "Fuck," I mumbled. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

       This was certainly one way to start the day.

        After hopping around my room, pulling on jeans, a patchwork sweater and earrings with ladybugs, I raced down the stairs.

        "Honey, Aaron's waiting," Mom said, as if I couldn't hear him honking outside.

        I grabbed a glass of cranberry juice, downing it in one swallow, and shot out the door.

        "Tals, you look like a disaster."

        I kissed Aaron's cheek once I had climbed into the passenger seat. That felt natural. He smelled like pine and spice today. "Thanks, fuckface."


        After picking up Cody and Skylar, it took a record amount of time to get to school.

       "Why are you going so fast?" I asked Aaron.

       "No reason."

       It was Friday morning, and I didn't think I could go through with it today—school. Class. The monotonous droning of my math teacher.

        If I heard one fucking cosine equation, I'd lose it.

        I had woken up that morning in a rush. Now, I felt like I was unraveling—and I didn't even have the will to try and keep it together. No, today was a fuck it kind of day.

        Although Aaron's tone had seemed suspicious, I made it to first—and second—period without any incident.

         I was praying there would be no jazz routine between classes.

        When Jordana tried to ask me whether we should change our song again for the upcoming Battle of the Bands, I snapped at her to make up her mind. 

        "Pick something and keep it," I told her. "If you have a problem with Olivia, take it up with and stop going behind her back to talk to me."

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