Chapter 2

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A/N: This is what Jimin looks like in the story

Jungkook's P.O.V.

I sighed and looked at the clock, it's already 2 am and I am exhausted. I finally got all of my boxes moved into the dorm, even though it took a lot longer without the help of my friends. My roommate wasn't there, and I wondered where they were. I wasn't sure who my roommate was yet, but I guess I would meet them soon enough. I sighed and started to unpack some of my boxes to get out my essential stuff. I pulled out my bedding, some of my clothes, my toothbrush and toothpaste, and I pulled out my shower stuff. I felt all sticky and gross being covered in sweat moving everything by myself, and since my roommate wasn't here, I decided to take a shower. I grabbed a towel and my shampoo and conditioner before heading to the bathroom. The shower felt nice, and it relaxed my muscles while I stood under the hot water. 

Once I was done with my shower I walked back into the room and got dressed in a loose white shirt and my boxers. I made my bed before climbing in and getting comfy. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram, I saw that Hobi had posted a picture of himself at the club. I smiled to myself picturing a drunk Yoongi at the club, knowing that if Yoongi was forced to go that he would be drinking. I liked the picture and kept scrolling. By the time I was done with Instagram it was 3 am, I plugged in my phone and turned the lights off before crawling into bed. The bed was a lot more comfortable than I expected considering I was in a college dorm. I snuggled into the covers and shut my eyes before falling asleep pretty quickly. 

Jimin's P.O.V.

                Tae disappeared a while ago with the man that was checking him out and I had a feeling that he wasn't coming back. I sighed and rolled my eyes, of course he up and left me alone at a club. I finished my Sprite and decided I should head home. I checked my phone and realized that it was 3:30 in the morning. I walked out to my car feeling irritated with Tae but also kind of relieved because I wouldn't have to deal with a drunk Tae. Although I wouldn't have to deal with him long considering we weren't rooming together this year. It was slightly upsetting but most Juniors and Seniors get paired up with Freshman as a roommate so they could help them get around and get adjusted to college. I don't know who my roommate is considering they hadn't moved in yet. Which means they probably procrastinate. Great, that'll be just, fantastic. I wasn't going to let myself jump to any conclusions yet considering I hadn't even met them yet, and I knew that I was irritated already, but this definitely wasn't a great start. 

                I reached my car and got in and started driving back to the dorms. I moved back in about a week ago when everyone else was moving. Tae and I helped each other so we were both unpacked already. Which is more than I can say for my soon to be roommate, assuming they even get moved in before classes start. I shook my head and pulled into a parking space near my dorm. I walked upstairs and to my room, I opened the door and didn't even bother turning on the light as I made my way to me bed. I flopped down and burrowed under the covers. I checked the time, and it was 4:00 in the morning already, so I turned my phone off and let sleep take me. 

                I woke up the next morning and the sun was shining through the curtains, I glared at the window and the sun for waking me. I checked my phone and saw that it was 9:00, wayyyy too early to be up. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't, so I finally sat up, it wasn't until then that I realized that there were boxes on the other side of the room and the bed had been made. That wasn't here last night... was it? I never turned on the light and just went to bed so it's very possible that my roommate was here last night. If that was the case though, where were they? I looked around the room and saw that most of the boxes hadn't even been opened yet. I continued to think about if I had seen anything last night when the door opened. In walked a boy with chocolate brown hair, he was looking down, so he hadn't seen me yet. I took the opportunity to look him up and down, the first thing I noticed was his muscular frame, especially his arms. Then he looked up at me and froze in surprise and that's when I noticed his eyes, they were dark brown and very pretty. He was definitely someone that you could call attractive. I stood up and held out my hand. 

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