Chapter 5

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A/N: This is what Yoongi looks like for the story. Also, I have decided that I will start uploading on Monday's. A new chapter will be posted every week.


I am laying on my bed just staring at my ceiling thinking about today. I met Yoongi-Hyung again and he's just as handsome as he was the night that we met. I was so confused and conflicted about that man. He's handsome and charming but at the same time he seems so cold and uncaring. I stared at my phone looking at the group chat that Hobi-Hyung created. I had Yoongi-Hyung's number now and I had no idea what to do with it. I clicked on his number and attempted to click on the message icon, although it seemed like fate had another idea as my finger slipped and all of a sudden, I was dialing his number. My eyes widened as I panicked and quickly hung up and promptly threw my phone on the other side of the bed. I just stared at it, eyes wide with fear, waiting to see what would happen. Suddenly, my phone dinged. I groaned internally as I picked it up.

Yoongi-Hyung: Did you call me?

Taehyung: Ah... yes by mistake.

Yoongi-Hyung: Okay then, did you need something?

Taehyung: No, it's okay, it's late we should sleep. Goodnight Yoongi-Hyung.

Yoongi-Hyung: Okay? Night.

I just stared at the short conversation on my phone. It was a normal conversation, a conversation I might even have with Jimin. But this conversation was different to me, I had a weird feeling after talking to Yoongi-Hyung. I wasn't sure why I felt weird or what was different about this conversation, but I was determined to figure it out. I looked at the time and realized that it was only 8 pm. Which would be why Yoongi-Hyung seemed confused with our conversation. I decided that I needed to figure out exactly what Yoongi-Hyung's deal was. So, I picked up my phone again and texted him.

Taehyung: Hey

Taehyung: I actually did want something.

Yoongi-Hyung: Alright? What's up?

Taehyung: Do you want to meet up?

Yoongi-Hyung: Why?

Yoongi-Hyung: I thought it was "late"

He had a point; I wasn't sure what to say after that. It seemed like I didn't need to though, because next thing I knew he had texted again.

Yoongi-Hyung: Whatever. Where do you want to meet?

Taehyung: Meet me at the front gate of the university.

Yoongi-Hyung: Kay

I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet, I needed something to wear. I definitely could not go in my shorts and ratted t-shirt. As I scanned my closet, I found the perfect outfit. I smirked to myself and checked myself over one more time before throwing on shoes and walking out the door. I made my way to the front gates, by the time I had arrived Yoongi-Hyung wasn't there yet. I leaned against the brick wall and checked my phone to see if Yoongi-Hyung had messaged me. I heard footsteps just a few moments after I started checking my phone. I looked up and saw Yoongi-Hyung walking towards me. His outfit was all black, a tight t-shirt, ripped skinny jeans, and a black leather jacket. The moonlight was shining off of his blond hair and pale skin, there was only one word to describe him in that moment.


I quickly shook away the thoughts as he stepped in front of me. I saw him look me up and down and I almost smirked knowing he was checking me out. I looked at him and smiled when he made eye contact, tonight was most likely going to be interesting.

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