Chapter 1

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A/N: This is what Jungkook looks like in the story. Also welcome to my first ever Jikook fanfiction! Please leave comments or votes so I know whether or not you guys like it. I am posting the first couple of chapters as a trial run to see if you guys like it. If you guys like it then I will continue the story, if not then I'll probably change some stuff. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy. 

Jungkook P.O.V.

I stood in the middle of my room looking around to determine how much I had left to pack. Also, in my room were my two best friends Yoongi-Hyung and Hoseok-Hyung. They were "helping" me pack and by "helping" I mean Yoongi-Hyung was sitting on a chair in my room scrolling through his phone while Hoseok-Hyung was bouncing excitedly on my bed. 

"Come on Kookie it'll be fun!! You should come with us tonight!" Hobi-Hyung shouted causing me to have to stop and cover my ears. 

"Aish! Hyung you're so loud, I already told you why I can't come tonight. I have to finish packing and move my stuff to my dorm. School starts on Monday, so I only have this weekend to move all my stuff." I started to put more stuff into boxes while Hobi-Hyung pouted on the bed. I just rolled my eyes and looked around the room again. 

Once I finally finished taping up the last box, I looked over to Yoongi-Hyung and Hobi-Hyung with pleading eyes to help me carry the boxes to my car. Hobi-Hyung immediately jumped up to help while Yoongi-Hyung took his time standing up before picking up the smallest box in the room and walking down to my car. I rolled my eyes as we loaded my car up mostly in silence, the only noises coming from Hobi when he was being dramatic about a box being heavy. Soon my car was completely full with all of my stuff. We walked back up to my room to make sure nothing was left. 

"Our Kookie is all grown up now!! It feels like only yesterday when we met you as a freshman when you were getting picked on." Hobi-Hyung had thrown himself on me dramatically at this point and I couldn't help but smile. He was right it really did seem like only yesterday when that fateful day happened my freshman year of high school. 

Four years ago...

I felt my chest tighten and it became hard to breathe as I was thrown up against the lockers again. I braced myself for the punch that I knew was coming. I opened my eyes when it didn't come and I heard grunting in front of me. I saw the boys who were beating me up running away except for their leader who was currently pushed up against the wall with his arm pinned behind his back. I looked at the boy who was pinning his arm, but I didn't recognize him. 

"Leave him alone" The boy growled and you could tell that the other boy was nervous, when he was let go he threw one more glare my way before storming off. 

I looked back to the boy who saved me and he had dark clothes with hair hanging in his face, his expression was stony and hard to read, but for a moment it softened as he looked at me. He walked over and started to look me over. 

"Are you okay?" He asked once he looked at me again. I couldn't speak and I just nodded. 

"My name is Yoongi, Min Yoongi, what's your name?" 

"My name is Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. I'm a freshman." He nodded and motioned for me to follow him. He led me to the courtyard of the school where there was another boy was waiting. I started to get nervous, not really knowing either of the boys that stood in front of me. Suddenly, Yoongi-Hyung began to speak to the other boy. 

"This is Jungkook, he is a freshman, and he was getting his ass handed to him when I found him." I blushed, slightly flustered, when Yoongi turned to me, "This is-" The other boy cut in.

"Hi, I'm Hoseok, Jung Hoseok but people call me Hobi it's nice to meet you! Yoongi and I are seniors this year, but don't worry about those other boys you can hang with us and they should leave you alone." He was very energetic and bubbly, the exact opposite of Yoongi-Hyung. 

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