Chapter 33

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For the rest of the day, me and Charlie ran around the house collecting up our things, and throwing it in two separate trunks.

"I think that's everything" says Charlie walking into the living room. "You have everything?" He says to me, and I nod.

"Then let's go" he says, and I stand up and get my jacket on.

Charlie had brought our trunks out to the yard, Charlie is disapperating with his and my truck with him, and I would apperate to Hogwarts and bring Artemis and Falkor over to Romania.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here for the summer" I say hugging Mrs Weasley goodbye.

"It was my pleasure dear, make sure to come back and visit"

"Goodbye bill" I say hugging bill goodbye.

"I'll be seeing you soon" bill said hugging me back

"The second you get time off work, send me a letter"

"I will" he says

"Alright that's enough " I heard Charlie say from behind me, making me and bill laugh.

"Someones jealous" says bill placing his hand on my opposite shoulder.

"No.....we just have to get going" Charlie says crossing his arms.

"Mhm" I say walking over, and standing beside Charlie.

"Thank you mum" Charlie says picking up one of the trunks and I picked up the other.

"We'll see you soon" I said and me and Charlie started walking out of the yard, and over a hill, so it would be easier for Charlie to apperate.

"I'll see you in a few hours" I said, stopping, dropping the trunk and turning to face Charlie.

"Are you sure I can't come with you?" He said looking down at me

"You have a meeting" I say looking back up at him.

"What if I missed the meeting?" He said softly

"You'd get in trouble, and since when do dragon people have meetings? It must be very serious if so......I'll see you in a few hours"


"Promise" I say and lean up on my tippy toes to kiss him.

I pull away and take a step back.
"I'll see you later love" I say taking out my wand

"I love you"

"Love you too" I say before disaperating.


I had arrived in the forest 10 minutes ago and I've never seen Artemis or Falkor so happy or excited. I was now getting them both ready for the long flight to Romania.

Another ten minutes later and we've taken off.
I seriously underestimated how much I missed flying, the wind through my hair, the freedom, I also forgot that Artemis and Falkor haven't been flying all summer either, they had huge dragon smiles, and they kept flying forward and jumping around in the air, doing flips, or when they stop flying for a few moments to fall through the air before throwing out there wings to catch them just before they hit the water.
And then something crazy and unexpected happened


By the time I arrived in Romania it was almost dark, Artemis landed near Charlie's house, and I jumped down, almost falling flat on my face, I was trying to move so fast. I sprint over the Charlie's apartment door, and basically kick down the door.

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