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Derek and Stiles found themselves on the front porch of the refurbished Hale House, smoking a shared cigarette once again. Stiles sat on one of the steps, Derek diagonally on his left one step above him. His knee was pressed to Stiles ribs, a firm reminder that he was there for him.

Dried tear tracks marked Stiles mole dotted face. His hands shook as he brought the cigarette to his chapped lips, leg jumping up and down in attempt to expel the anxiety running through his veins. As much as the shaking was bothering Derek he let Stiles do what he needed to.

Tonight was supposed to be a pack meeting, but when Stiles showed up early teary-eyed and shaking, a mass text was sent canceling it. No one sent a questioning text. The Alpha of the pack didn't even try to get an answer from the Beta.

Stiles had yet to tell him what happened. Derek didn't pry. He just watched Stiles plop himself down onto the front step and pull out his pack of cigarettes and lighter. He sat down and pressed his knee to Stiles ribs, hoping to ground him to reality.

As Stiles passed Derek the still glowing cigarette he moved to pull another one from the pack. Derek reached forward and put his hand on the pack, gently pulling it from Stiles shaky fingers. One shared cigarette had become the unspoken agreement and Derek was not about to let Stiles break that.

Stiles didn't fight Derek's gentle hand and instead leaned into his knee. Derek shifted so he was able to get behind Stiles and pull his back into his chest. Stiles melted into Derek's warm chest, head falling back to rest against Derek's collar bone.

The werewolf set down the pack of cigarettes and stubbed out the burning one. Derek brought a hand up and started to run his fingers through Stiles hair, hoping to somehow sooth him. A breath of relief escaped Derek's lips as Stiles shaking and heartbeat started to calm down.

They sat on the front steps for almost an hour, Derek keeping his fingers in Stiles hair the entire time. Stiles had started to drift off to sleep while in Derek's embrace, but he kept fighting the urge to sleep. He didn't want to fall asleep just yet. He wanted to talk to Derek.

"Come on, lets get you inside." Derek murmured softly, gently helping Stiles stand up.

The brunet human leaned sleepily against Derek's chest, letting the older werewolf guide him into the house. Just as Derek pulled the front door open his ears picked up the sound of a bike. He turned around to be met with the sight of Isaac ridding up to the house.

He dropped his bike against the ground and bounded up the steps, concern flooding his veins. Stiles smiled sleepily at the curly haired boy, having developed quite the soft spot for the golden retriever like man. Derek just stared at Isaac, eyebrow raised in question.

"What, I was worried." Isaac started, pulling the door open so Derek could help Stiles inside, "Pack meetings are never canceled unless something happens. Scott was passed out and no one else knew if anything had happened so I came to check."

Stiles chuckled and let Derek practically dump him onto the couch without protest. "I knew there was a reason you're one of my favorites Isaac, such a good puppy."

Isaac blushed and cocked an eyebrow at the nickname. He liked the praise but being called puppy was something odd, even for Stiles.

"What's wrong with mom?"

"He needs sleep." Derek said as he walked out of the living room, leaving the two younger men in his living room. He tuned their conversation out in favor of focusing on finding some clothes of his that would fit Stiles. Stiles had grown a bit since he was a teen, but not by much. He had filled out in all the right places, building muscle while away in college and growing his hair out to a shaggier version of Derek's own haircut. The muscles in his forearms strained while he wrote, giving life to his tattoos and taking Derek's breath away more than he'd ever like to admit.

When Derek had found a shirt and a pair of sweatpants he made his way back to the living room, finding Stiles and Isaac in the kitchen instead. Isaac was sitting on a stool, hands folded in his lap. Stiles had pulled himself up onto the countertop by the stove, stirring something in a pot.

Derek walked over and set the clothes down next to Stiles, setting a hand on the mans thigh as he took the whisk from the younger mans hand. He stirred the milk in the pot, coming to the conclusion that Stiles was making hot chocolate.

Stiles hummed a hello and set a hand on top of Derek's. He continued his conversation with Isaac, ignoring how the curly haired mans eyes kept glancing down at their touching hands.

Derek fixed the two hot chocolate when the milk was done, returning to his spot beside Stiles after handing Isaac his mug. Derek stood a little closer to Stiles than probably necessary, but when Stiles leaned closer he bit back a smile. Isaac finished his hot chocolate, sensing that he should probably leave the two alone.

"Well, thanks for the drink, glad there isn't an issue. I better be getting home."

Stiles waved a sleepy goodbye, slouching forward into Derek's back. Derek crossed his arms against his chest and nodded goodbye, a soft smile gracing his strong face. Derek had grown to have a certain smile reserved for Stiles and Isaac alone. Isaac let himself out of the Hale house, a knowing grin blooming on his face as he grabbed his bike.

Derek sighed and turned so he was positioned in between Stiles knees. Stiles let himself fall forward into Derek's arms. Before the elder werewolf could get a word in Stiles started talking.

"Dad and I got into a little argument and he said I should have never came back from college. I tried to ask him why he felt like that and he just blew up, screamin' about how I fucked his life up and only caused him trouble. Blamed me for his health problems and job issues. Threw some stuff at me."

Derek sighed and rubbed his hand up and down Stiles side, "Nothing he is going through justifies his actions towards you, I don't care what his excuse is. You don't deserve to be on the receiving end of his aggression."

Stiles nodded, bringing a hand up to tangle his fingers in Derek's hair. His heartbeat was steady and the steady thrum of anxiety was still present. That secondary presence of anxiety had gown on Derek over the years. When Stiles was in the immediate vicinity he often found himself searching for that breath-halting thrum.

"I know. Still hurts a bunch though."

Derek hummed and rubbed his nose against Stiles neck, trying to scent mark him without moving. Stiles chuckled at Derek's actions and pulled the werewolf closer, scent marking the back of Derek's neck with his wrists. Derek growled softly in satisfaction. Stiles laughed loudly at Derek, tightening his hold on the elder.

The two stayed in the kitchen for a little while longer. Long enough for Stiles to start to drift off to sleep once again. Derek caught onto Stiles slipping into sleep and gently shook him. Stiles groaned and tried to snuggle closer into Derek's body heat. It was Derek's turn to laugh.

"You can snuggle me all you want after a hot shower and a change of clothes, spark. Come on, I have clothes for you already." Derek murmured against Stiles neck, a hand coming to rest against the youngers hip.

Stiles hummed and let Derek move so he could slip off the counter top. Derek grabbed the clothes he had brought out earlier and led sleepy Stiles to the bedroom. Stiles took the clothes from Derek and stumbled over to the bathroom on the way to the bedroom, changing quickly once inside. Derek pulled a spare toothbrush out from the hall closet and knocked on the door Stiles disappeared into.

Stiles popped his head out the door, smiling at the extended toothbrush. He took it gratefully and slipped back into the bathroom. When he was finished he found his way to the bedroom, his clothes in a ball held to his chest. The sweatpants were a couple sizes too large, drawstring tied in an uneven bow. The red shirt was tight around his biceps but lose in the body. He was comfortable. Being in Derek's clothes made him feel safe and valued, like Derek saw something in him and valued who Stiles is. Human or not.

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