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"So, how does this whole matting thing work? To complete the bond I mean, what do we have to do?" Stiles asked, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke.

Derek shifted in his spot on the porch steps, "Well...its a permanent bond, kinda like marriage but more extreme. It can only be broken by death."

Stiles rolled his eyes, "I know that much Derek."

Derek inhaled sharply and as bluntly as he could finally answered Stiles question.

"The traditional completion is sex and a mating bite on the shoulder. There are other ways to complete the bond that don't include sex."

Stiles flushed red and his heartbeat picked up in surprise. He had expected something like that but it still made him flush.

"Is sex completely off the table?" Derek tested the waters, finally looking over to Stiles.

Stiles flushed cheeks made Derek's heart jump in his chest. He knew Stiles had the ability to be adorable but this was something different. His inner wolf growled with need, pawing in desire to make Stiles his forever. They had waited six years for this day to come with no guarantee that it ever would.

"You can say if it is, Stiles. I don't wanna make you feel like you don't have a say in this." Derek followed his question, worried that he had come off to strong for the younger man.

Stiles smiled softly, blush still present on his full cheeks. "Its not completely off the table Sourwolf, just maybe for a bit in the beginning of this. I know we've know each other for a while, but this is a little different. Id like to wait on sex but I am completely, one hundred percent, okay with the mate bite."

Derek nodded, wrapping his head around Stiles reasoning. He respected the Sparks decision, it was just a new perspective for him. Derek grabbed Stiles hand and pressed a kiss to his knuckles, snatching the cigarette from his fingertips when he pulled his lips from Stiles knuckles. He heard Stiles heartbeat jump at the sudden affection and smiled.

"When would you like to do the mating bite? And what do we need to do for it without sex?" Stiles stuttered, unable to take his eyes off of the cigarette between Derek's lips. Derek caught onto where Stiles eyes had landed and smirked, preening with pride as Stiles swallowed thickly. Derek forgot how much he affected Stiles. Now he was remembering why he liked to shove him into walls so often, riling up the smaller man made his wolf growl in satisfaction.

"Either tonight or tomorrow night because there is a full moon next week. The mating bite needs at least three days to 'set', probably more because you're partially human. By set I mean tie the bond because the physical bite takes time compared to the spirit bond that formed basically before we were born." Derek began explaining, crushing the cigarette on the sole of his shoe.

"To do the mating ritual without sex the bite has to be applied to a different spot then the traditional way and both parties have to be at a vulnerable, content, emotional high similar to sex."

"What's the difference in the bite placement? And how do we get to an emotional high like sex?" Stiles asked, frowning in confusion. He had relaxed when Derek discarded the cigarette. He had come to the conclusion that Derek had no right to look that good.

"The traditional bite is placed on the shoulder, the non-traditional bite is placed on the inside of the thigh. I have an idea of how to get there but I want to talk to Deaton to be sure about my idea."

Stiles hummed and grabbed Derek's hand, standing up from his spot on the steps. He checked his pockets for his keys, finding them in his jeans pocket, and pulled Derek off the steps.

"Where are we going?" Derek inquired, letting Stiles drag him over to the jeep.

"Deaton's. I wanna do this now." Stiles said, pushing his back against the jeep and pulling Derek closer to him.

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