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Isaac met up with Derek at the small 24 hour dinner after Stiles got off from work. Isaac had taken over the ground care for the cemetery after high school so he had a couple of hours before he had to get to work. Derek worked the odd handyman jobs around town, still mending some broken bonds with the people of Beacon Hills.

"So, Derek told you about our idea to leave?" Isaac started, sipping his soda as he watched Derek and Stiles.

Stiles nodded, finishing chewing his mouthful of curly fries.

"Yeah, just briefly though. I cant believe you want to leave though, Isaac, I thought you and Scott had gotten really close during high school?"

"We did, but once we all graduated and you went off to college he got nasty. Every time something bad would roll into town he'd always run off to the Argents and cut a deal with them so they'd take care of it. He refused to let us talk about you or let us ask him questions about his methods to keep his pack and Beacon Hills safe. He and Allison started acting all weird around the rest of us once they got married, and they started implementing old Argent hunter traditions onto the pack." Isaac chewed on the end of his straw, watching how Stiles reacted to the information.

Stiles frowned and shoved another curly fry into his mouth, chewing slowly as he processed Issacs words. Subconsciously he leaned into Derek's side as he thought, eyes clouding over as he did. Isaac turned his gaze to Derek, the feeling that this was going to take Stiles a while to take in strong. The curly haired dirty-blond man raised an eyebrow in question towards Derek.

Derek only gave a warning look back, understanding immediately what Isaac look was conveying. Isaac rolled his eyes and bit into his burger, leaving the two as they were. Everyone resumed eating as Stiles continued to think, absentmindedly shoving fries into his mouth and sipping him milkshake.

Derek would occasionally nudge him and hand him a napkin, making sure the young Stilinski was present. Isaac bit back a smile at Derek's soft nature to Stiles, flashing back to high school and how the two always danced around each other. They had clearly been infatuated with each other, though they might not have known it - even though Stiles is brilliant when it comes to solving life or death problems, his own emotions leave him stumped - and Isaac had caught onto that earlier than most; earlier than Scott.

Derek was a whole other case. Isaac had managed to crack it a bit while Stiles was off to college. He had learned that Derek had figured out that Stiles was his mate and that he couldn't let Scott treat him like shit anymore. Isaac was quick to come to the decision to leave Scotts pack, all three of them, when Stiles returned to Beacon Hills.

"So basically Scotts reverted to some timid 'better-call-the-adults' Alpha who cant solve his own problems?" Stiles said suddenly, catching Isaac mid bite.

Derek snorted, "He's spineless. I don't know how his true Alpha Spark is still bright. He takes the easy route, and has started to think and function like a hunter instead of a werewolf." He spoke for Isaac and himself. The two of them had viewed the decline of the pack since Stiles departure.

"Does anyone else from the pack feel the same?" Stiles inquired, a new light in his eyes as he tried to pry into the situation.

Isaac scratched the back of his neck and pulled a face. "Honestly, we cant even get anyone away from Scott long enough to have a conversation. They're attached to Scott and Allison like an old person to their oxygen tank. I don't know if they don't question his actions anymore or if he's got them held hostage. That last fight against the coven was the most contact I've had with the pack in months."

Stiles just hummed, "Well, what about an Alpha? If you two leave there's a chance you'll become Omegas and that's a death sentence."

"I have that covered." Derek spoke, "There's a book I found in the Hale vault on how a Spark can gain Alpha status without becoming a werewolf. I'd have to talk to Deaton to get more specifics but I know the outline of how it goes."

Stiles looked back and fourth between Isaac and Derek, flabbergasted. His eyebrows were raised high, disappearing behind his shaggy hair. If he and Scott were on speaking terms, he would have commented on how much Stiles resembled his father.

"You want me to be Alpha? Why?" He pointed at himself, gapping at the two werewolves.

Isaac grinned, "We want you to be our Alpha because we respect you and you respect us. You trust us and want only the best for us, we feel the same for you. Derek and I know that you only have the best of intentions for your pack and others around you. We trust you to be our Alpha, more than we trust out current one."

Derek nodded in agreement, "I have never trusted anyone more than I trust you, Stiles."

Tears welled up in Stiles eyes at Derek's words and he melted into the leather clad werewolf's side. Derek bit back a content sigh, opting instead to throw an arm around Stiles shoulders. Isaac grinned, stirring a fry into his ketchup. He felt out of place but he loved seeing Derek being soft with Stiles.

"So, how exactly does a Spark become an Alpha without becoming a werewolf?" Stiles finally asked after collecting himself from the overwhelming gratitude and praise from Derek and Isaac.

Derek straightened and Isaac snorted.

"And that's my cue to leave. See you two later, call if you need." Isaac stood up with a wave, leaving a pile of bills for his meal.

Stiles waved in confusion and Derek nodded. The werewolf left at the table with Stiles was filling with dread about the conversation to come. The human Spark turned to face Derek, expecting an explanation. Derek sighed at the inquisitive puppy eyes, rubbing his face roughly with one hand.

"I'll tell you at home."

Stiles frowned but nodded, understanding that this was a serious topic. It was safer to talk about it in the safety of their home. But as Stiles finished off his fries he wondered where home was.

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