Zayn Malik

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I had my last dance when I died. well technically, I didn't die; my brother did. but it felt like i died, I wish I died. he was driving us to the audition we were going for a big gig. he thought we really had a chance, he was awesome that way; always positive and just plain epic. I'm MJ by the way, shortfor Mary Jane.


*Driving with Louis*

"Do you really think we can do this?" I asked him biting my lip.

"Sis, we're not only going to do this.. We're going to rock it!" He hollered while his hands were off the wheel.

"Lou, you're the best brother ever... You know that?" I smiled at him.

"And you're MJ, the next Michael Jackson!" He chuckled.

"It's Mary Jane, not Michael Jackson" I replied and punched him playfully.

"I know.." He smirked.

I heard his phone vibrate and he slowly reached for his phone.

"Louis!" I screamed looking at the road.

"Wait let me get this!" Louis waved his hand looking at his phone.

"LOUIS!!" I yelled pointing at the truck driving towards us.

In a blink, all our chuckles became cries. In a finger snap, the glass bacame the image of spikes climbing at us. In a minute, I lost the ability to breathe properly. But I lost something worse than that...

I lost Louis.

*End of flashback*

*5 years later*

Quick update, I'm 19 and single. I walked to the kitchen door and broke a bread in half. Put one on my plate on the other on the plate parallel to me.

"Eat up Louis..." I said to the empty seat in front of me. I know you're thinking I'm crazy but I'm not. He is and will always be my brother, how can i forget him? I ran out the door and to the dance studio I own. Not to dance, but to manage.

"We have a potential employee." Natasha called out to me, my assistant.

"Name?" I asked settling my things on my office.

"Zayn Malik." She said with a smile.

"Can he teach well?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know, but he can damn well dance!" She roared with a huge smirk, seems like she fancies him!

"Get him here..." I instructed as I saw her storm out.

How good looking can one person look? i mean it's not like.... umm, I'm sorry what was I saying? I stopped thinking as I saw this boy, no man, no angel walk in. But i won't get carried away.. I'm just doing my job.

"H-hey..." He smirked. His lips curved and his hands moved like magic.

"Please have a seat." I said strictly. I wasn't going to let him play with my head. Work is work. Plus, I don't have time for a relationship now.

"You're gorgeous." I heard him say as his eyes traced my face and figure.

"I know right?" I said. Ah, he's a player? He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"Have you worked before?" I asked firmly.

"Like a job?" He asked slowly like an idiot.

Is he for REAL?


Hi guys! :) nice of you to read my first fanfic! thank you! hope you like it :) comment and tell me what you think.

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