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*Meanwhile with Zayn and MJ*  

*MJ's POV*

 Zayn laid there beside me on the single bed the hospital had to give. It squeezed us so close together that all the spaces that we never managed to reach are now covered up. He just sat there next to me for hours playing with my hair and kissing my forehead every now and then.

"How long are you going to be in the hospital?" Zayn asked smothering me with all the dazzling looks he had.

"I don't really know, the nurse told me something about an x-ray." I said trying to recall what happened.

And after a long silence, Zayn caressed my cheek, still lying beside me on the bed.

"MJ, you're awesome..." Zayn finally sighed, I didn't look at him. But I felt him eyes scroll around my face and then my body.

"You are too," I said, hoping he would say stuff other than awesome or amazing. Something more like, I love you or even I adore you. Never the less, he always managed to keep my stomach filled with butterflies and knots, that he ties up.

"You're going to dance again, I assure you." He smirked leaning his head closer to me, this made my cheeks flush red.  

I watched as slowly let his fingertips rest on my lips, keeping me mesmerized in the moment.


*With Louis* 

*I was 8 years old*

 "Louis, my shoe... It's ruined!" I cried.

"Who did that?" Louis said in concern coming closer to me and bending his knees to see my shoe closer.

"No one," I lied biting my lip.  

"MJ, you can tell me," He said in a convincing tone holding my petit hands gently.

"Well, if I tell you... Will you be mad at him?" I asked moving back ward looking down innocently.

"Him?" Louis raising an eyebrow, "It's Harry isn't it?"

"N-no..." I said shaking my little head.

"Who is it then, Jay Jay?" Louis begged using my nick name, slowly feeling his foot get numb from kneeling down.

"It's Liam, but he swore he didn't mean to!" I spoke quickly, with fear Louis might yell at him.

"Ah, I see..." Louis said taking my shoe off.

"Please, don't yell at Liam, he was just trying to help." I cried softly. "If you yell at him he won't talk to me anymore!" I looked down innocently. Yes, as a kid I had a major crush on Liam.

He was without a doubt, hands- down, the most gorgeous human being I ever laid my petty eyes on.

"It's okay, I'll fix them for you." Louis comforted, hugging me and kissing my forehead.

"But, what if you can't? What if I can't dance anymore because I don't have my magic shoes?" I pouted like a baby, well I technically was a baby.

"You're going to dance again, I assure you." Louis sighed and smiled at me.

*End of Flashback*

Zayn said a lot of stuff Louis used to say. He reminded me off him heavily, but unlike anything else. It didn't bother me. After Liam, Zayn was actually my second love. I still didn't tell Zayn that I loved him and surprisingly, neither did he. I doubt he doesn't from the way he treats me. But what happens if he doesn't say it ever? Every time I feel he's about to say it, he backs down. Liam shot for the chance when were kids but then we stopped talking after Louis died. I can't remember why though, he began to avoid me until we no longer spoke. Weird.

After my x-ray, I headed straight home with Harry. Zayn hopped in the car with us in the back seat, leaving us congested in the tiniest car anyone owned.

"Remind me again where all the bigger cars went?" I asked Harry sarcastically.

"With all the paychecks I never had" Harry replied, head crouched down. It's true, Harry was like the poorest guy alive. To keep himself alive, he has 3 part time jobs I think? I'm not sure and I don't like asking him. It gets awkward taking about stuff he doesn't have.

"Zayn, would you mind taking your knee out my ass?" Harry asked politely rocking his seat in agony.

"And put it where, in your brand new car?" Zayn mocked back with a snicker, not even readjusting himself.

"Oh shut up, both of you!" I glared at them, feeling my seat get heavy.

"Where are you going Harry?" Zayn asked, not being familiar with the road. 

 "Shortcut," Harry said sheepishly, driving his tiny vehicle like it was valuable merchandise.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" I asked sitting nervously in the passenger seat.

"Of course, I just the turn from here." Harry tried to explain to himself.

He honestly had no idea where we were. He's being a man and refused to ask for directions. Everything was going fine until we hear a little chime ring out the car.

"Harry?" Zayn asked slowly.

"Ignore it." Harry muttered to him.

"But Harry-" I added, feeling the car slow down.

"Shut up, everything is fine." Harry grunted looking at the gas meter nervously.

And in a matter of seconds, the car slowed down to a halt.

"Harry?" Zayn asked again.

"Shut up, ignore it and get your knee out my ass, I can't think straight!" Harry blurted with rage.

We ran out of gas. Nice going Harry.

Next time, don't take shortcuts.


Didn't expect this huh? updated sooner as expected :)) I'm excited for the next part of this :))) i'm going to be a cliffhanger now ;)

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