Lost In the Tide

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The water crashed harshly against the shore, the waves moving in a rhythmic motion that would normally lull most people into a deep sleep, but not George. 

George laid completely still except for the rise and fall of his chest. to many people He appeared as if he actually was asleep, eyes closed, headphones in, and steady breathing. But George was well awake, his brain was far to crowded to succumb to the effects the drowsiness that ebbed away at this conscious. 

What was plaguing George to the point of driving away a peaceful rest that he had always cherished? was it editing? deadlines for coding projects? hate from judgmental people on the internet? 

It was in fact none of those, despite how much George desperately wished it was. much to his dismay the thoughts that buzzed around were all about




His best friend Sapnap. there was something about him, something George couldn't pin point. was it the way he giggled that sent a tidal wave of butterflies to fill his stomach, or maybe it was the way his heart would skip a beat when Sapnap made a flirtatious joke. whatever it was, it was bad.  bad enough to send George to a beach miles away at the early hour of 3am when the sky was like an inky abyss, similar to the salty water just a few feet down the shoreline. 

There George was, laying on a beach in who knows where, blasting songs from a random playlist, and ignoring the constant buzzing of his phone all because of his best friend that he couldn't get off his mind. actually, he wasn't meaning to ignore the buzzing, in fact he hadn't even noticed it up until now. 

The brunette lazily sat up with an impatient huff while digging around in the pocket of his sweat pants. once he had finally located his phone he pulled it out slowly fearing the worst.  to his surprise the thing-well person blowing up his phone was, coincidently, Sapnap.  

George half laughed-half scoffed at the timing. his finger danced its way to the answer button hesitantly, he needed to make sure he didn't slip up- slip up? over what? he's just my best friend. George internally scolded himself before clicking the bright green button. 

"George! finally, I was getting kinda worried!" 

"Yeah sorry sap, I didn't realize that you were calling" George quickly switched his phone to speaker, no one was around, why would they be? 

"Wait- are you at the beach?" 

George hesitated before speaking slowly, "yes...?" 

"Dude isn't it like- 3am or something? its probably like -100 degrees outside, why are you at the beach?!" 

George scoffed at the obviously exaggerated reaction, "yeah I just needed to get out of the house and think, y'know...to clear my head or something" George waved his hands in front of his body despite the fact that Sapnap couldn't see him, "why'd you call?"

"Oh! yeah, right- so I did some something spontaneous, and I was wondering if you'd like to join me?" 

"Spit it out Sapnap, what did you do" George was clearly annoyed by his friends purposely stalled response, the lack of sleep didn't help either. 

"I rented a beach house down on the coast for like- a month in this really nice area and I then realized I was going to be alone since dream had that thing and-" 

Sapnap's rambling was droned out by Georges persistent thoughts. his eyes got lost in the swaying sea in front of him, he still hadn't figured what had been going on with him. George already knew that the fact that Sapnap was going to be there in person with him, alone, was not going to help these new feelings. Hell, he didn't even know what these feelings were.

Soon enough even George's own thoughts were drowned out by the hypnotizing rhythm of the waves. his mind seemed to get lost on the simple crash noise the water made when it came in contact with the rocky shore, the way the moon reflected almost perfectly over the relatively calm water that practically begged for George to strip down and hop in. 

"hey that's no fair!  you got a head start!" a young boy yelled at her brother who had begun to wade into the icy blue water that laid ahead as far as the eye could see. 

"well you're just slow! that's not my fault!" the brunette responded, now waist deep in the  dark water. the young boy excitedly waded deeper and deeper despite the cold temperature. 

the boys family had reserved a day at the beach, a day of fun and relaxation, minus his father. his father had always seemed to be gone on business trips or work related things. but he brought home money so the young boy was taught to be grateful for his father's hard work.

soon enough the boy had made it to the point where he had to stand on his tip toes to keep his head above the water. the brunette kicked himself up off the sandy floor to float on his his back, eyes closed. the sun beat brightly down onto the pale child, the warmth being a stark contrast to to the chilly water below.

the young boy always relished in the feeling of the water shifting around as he floated. it was his happy place, his home.

In almost an instant George was returned to his cold reality when a strong breeze blew over the water and right into his face. George looked down at his phone again once he realized that Sapnap had been yelling for him too. 

"Shit sorry-" before George could speak a full sentence Sapnap but in. 

"obviously you dont have to come if you dont want to,  I just thought it would be nice meeting in person and-" this time George was the one to interrupt,

"Sapnap, I would love to stay there with you, it sounds like a blast" this response seemed to shut Sapnap up as you could practically hear his smile when he spoke once more. 

"great! I'll send you the details in a bit, I have to go join Karl's stream! bye bye gogy!" before George could say bye or tell him off for the silly nickname Sapnap had hung up. 

George laughed softly to himself before flopping back down onto the sand. he reached one hand up to his other arm and pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming, he was going to spend a month with Sapnap, alone. 

a month with Sapnap, 


Oh fuck what did he just do- 


A/N: First chapter pog! it's pretty short, I'm just getting into the grove of actually writing! but I hope you guys enjoy the chapter so far! fair warning though, I don't have a upload schedule, ill be updating as I write, it makes it easier for me. so I apologize beforehand for the inconsistent upload schedule! 

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