Death Questions

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It's hard to walk down a hallway, all alone, and everyone that passes me, I know exactly what they think of me. It's in their eyes; the way they look at me, and it's only me that they prey upon. I don't know why, but the scars on my wrists keep me back and afraid of guessing and asking why.


why is it me that struggles?

why is it me that gets hunted?

Why can't I keep my head up?

Why is everybody else so confident in themselves, yet I can't even have the courage to look at my self in the mirror? 


Why does the universe want to keep me down? 

I have these questions yearning to leave my tounge; yearning to make a change. These voices in my head stabat my soul and heart, impaling all the way throught them so I bleed to death and I'm forgotten and left here to die.



Why should I hide myself?

I wipe off my smile... 

and what you'll truly see..

is me.

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