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It is now Thursday 4 days have passed. Still no sign of Sam in any of the classes both of them shared.
Lily goes to the cafeteria as it is pizza day, she sits down on empty table and start looking around scoping out every person she can see.

A few minutes go by and she sees this person sitting alone she can't quite make it out who it is but wants to have a gut feeling that she does
When she returns to class one of the ones that she used to have a Sam she walks up to the teacher and says " hey I just have a quick question it's a simple yes or no, did Sam switch classes or Is she no longer going to the school"
The teacher replies " yes she did switch classes she's got my class in the morning instead of right after lunch May I ask why you're wondering"
Lily then says " no particular reason just that she was gone from school for a few days and I've been taking our notes down I wanted to let her borrow my copies so she can catch up with the schoolwork for your class"

As I was walking through the hall to get to my locker I saw something off the corner of my eye and what I saw was Sam
I walked over to Sam and said "Sam it's me Lilly A man answered your phone and said he would give you the message that I've been trying to call you for a few days"
Sam looks at Lily and walks off as fast as she can ignoring what Lily had said

So it is now the end of the day and Lily found where Sam was hanging out and decided to call her mom to let her know she would be home later this evening and when Sam started to leave campus that's when she decided to follow her home

As Lily was following Sam home she realize she was going into a part she never imagined they were walking through trees, the forest and after a couple miles of walking she jumps behind a tree and sees this big beautiful house with small shaped windows and as she sees Sam knock on the door four or five different men with beautiful hair pale skin eyes so red open the door to greet her

I waited a good 10 15 minutes to make sure she wasn't going to come out again. That's when I knew it was my chance to go knock on that door
Knock knock
A man answers the door and says " hi there ma'am how can I help you"
Lily replies " yes sir I followed your daughter/family home I was wondering if I may speak with her, I have notes from the last three days that she missed school and I want give her a copy so she can catch up on her schoolwork"

The man says " oh yeah you were the one who had called I want to say on Monday, OK hold on give me one moment let me go see if she is available"

The man walks up to Sam bedroom
Knock knock
Sam says "come in"
The man walks in and says " hey Sam somebody knocked at the door asking for you are you available to take this door call"

Sam looking confused as ever gets out of bed and walks over the front door and sees Lily standing outside their front door
Sam says " Lilly what are you doing here, how did you find this place"
Lily replies " please don't be mad but I saw you after school and decided to follow you home because I needed some answers and I wanted to also give you some notes to copy from the day that you missed to catch you up on the work but mainly I wanted to find out answers things I wanted to ask you but you being too afraid to answer"

As Lily and Sam walk away from the house about a mile away they sit and talk
Sam say " I understand that you have a lot of questions after what I told you, but one reason why I never invited you over to my place is because you don't know my family the way that you think you would know them, my family can be dangerous more so than me"

Lily responds with " what do you mean they're more dangerous than you who was that who answer the door"
Sam hesitantly response " that, that was just my dad"

Lily strongly response " I noticed when you walked up to the door and knocked all males greeted you at the door do you have any sisters or mom"

Sam sadly replies " i've always asked my dad if I've ever had any Sisters or mother and my dad always responds with yes but they are not like us and because they are not like us they pack their bags and went to live in the city a normal civilized life" " but I've always been curious about who my mother would be and if I really did have any sisters what kind of relationship we would have"

Lilly feeling a little sad for Sam replies ever so gently with " you know I'm pretty smart with computers and technology there's a thing online called ancestry.com it's where you can send in your DNA and find out where your bloodline comes from, also if you've ever looked around at somebody and thought maybe that could be my mom or that could be my sister, if you speak with them, if you can get to know them and still have that feeling you could be family, you could always do a DNA test with that person to find out if they're just a regular person or family"

Sam says jokingly "haha wouldn't that be funny if we tried that and found out we were sisters haha but there's no way that we are right"

Lily confused replies " yes if we were to do a DNA test it would tell us if we were sisters, but if you would like either we could do this at your place or my place of my mom's OK with it and we can look at ancestry.com and just to show you how DNA test works if you want we can send in both of our DNA and see if we come back at any kind of family"

San eagerly replies " when doing the DNA test how long does it typically take for the results to come back"
Lily replies " depends how much testing they have to do but typically anywhere from three weeks to a month"

So Sam and Lily decide to work on this at lilys place. They order the DNA kit and it comes within a week, Lily has to sample her blood in another room. Both of them put their blood samples in the box in the next day drop it off in the nearest drop off box for the mail. 

Sam says " let me give you my phone number my cell number we can text, FaceTime and you can let me know when the results come in"

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