Chapter 8

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Rocky and Marshall: Hello Paw fans and welcome to another episode!!

Rubble: Food.

Rocky: So as Ryder has a freezing tooth because of the snowballs in last episode,I will be saying truths or dares

Everest: Sounds much more fun *whispers*

Ryder: Excuse me Everest? Did you say anything?

Everest: No, apparently you have flea in your ears *whispers*

Ryder: What?!

Everest: Why Ryder,did you hear me say anything??

Ryder: Whatever

Rocky: So dare from Simon-Riley-pl is for everyone to try to continue playing this game with closed eyes for three hours

Rubble: Then how will you read the dare?

Zuma: Mah dawg, you need to get that sleeping child upstairs to read them

Tracker: Alex?

Sylvia: No,he means Jake. Right Zuma?

Zuma: You got it dudette

Chase and Ryder: But isn't he snoozing?

Sweetie: Who cares

*All go to wake the sleeping small naive child by pouring water on him and drenching him*

Marshall: Wait. Isn't this the same bucket that had brussel sprouts which the god Silklold poured on Ryder?

Skye: This was the one

Ryder: *shrieks like a little girl* GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!!

Rocky and Zuma: Like chill Ryder


Everest: Like seriously you homo sapiens. You need to learn HOW TO CHILL.

Zuma: Agreed dudette

Rubble: Like Netflix and chill?

Rocky: *clasps paws over Rubble's mouth* Better not talk right now you small naive child

Jake: Now I have to go change my clothes. I'm all drenched and cold because SOMEONE or SOME PEOPLE poured water on me!

Sweetie: Instead of being such a chatterbox,go take these towels and clothes and go change *gives towels and clothes*

Jake: Wow thanks. At least one of you is nice. Thank y-

Sweetie: *shoves him and closes the door* Go change you chattering idiot

*After five minutes*

Jake: I'm here

Skye and Sylvia: Man you take an enternity

Jake: Well it wasn't very nice of YOU TO WAKE ME UP IF YOU'RE GONNA COMPLAIN

Tracker: Honestly? Dude it legit seems by how angry you are that you hibernate six months of the year lying dead

Jake: Whatever *rolls eyes* Wait Ryder why are you in that corner?

Ryder: *scared* That b-bucket gives me nightmares.... *Points at the bucket*

Jake: Haha man are you scared of a bucket? Lol XD. Who is scared of a bucket anyways

Rocky: You.

Chase: Anyways Jake,you have to read our truths and dares for our YouTube channel. Because we have to keep our eyes closed for the next three hours as a dare.

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