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7:30 Ring! Ring!

As dawn came to blanket of night sky,which was embroidered with stars and a beautiful pearl crescent shape, basically the moon,a German Shepherd's annoying alarm rang.

"Ugh. Monday mornings. I hate them" Chase groaned,rubbing his eyes with his paws.

Of course,winter was here,and you LOVE to be cozy and warm in winter. That resulted in Day time Saving too,but the pups hardly felt the difference of sleeping one more hour.

He soon remembered his duty,and stood up on his fours and stretched, yawning.

He opened the door and a cold chilly wind glided by. But Chase had enough fur to keep him warm. He slipped into his winter paw slippers,so they would keep his paws warm.

He paced to a Dally's door next to him,and knocked on it, murmuring sleepily.

"Marsh? Marsh... Time to wake up"

He heard the soft snoring of the Dally inside,and decided to do something better. First he had to wake himself up.

He splashed cold water on his face,and the heat on his body quickly went down. His eyes quickly woke up,wide.

He decided to tell a joke.

"Marshall? Marsh! Apollo the Super Pup
New movie is out!" Chase yelled.

"Mhmmm.... Chase,Ryder will.... Ryder will have....have it" he mumbled sleepily from inside.

"It's only one! In Adventure Bay! And Ryder doesn't have it! Quick,wake up!" Chase replied.

Marshall eyes shot open. New movie? Only one in Adventure Bay?!

"I'm awake!" He yelled. He quickly stumbled up, making lots of noise. Chase heard a few things falling from inside,and chuckled.

"Now to wake up Rubble and the others" he said to himself softly.

"Rubble! Time to wake up!" He shouted.

He heard the bulldog snoring also.

How can he wake him up? If only... Wait!


Watch and learn, Chase," Skye taught.

Clink! Came the sound of a spoon and a bowl interacting.

"Breakfast is ready? Why didn't you wake me? Wait,who turned off the lights?" Rubble panicked.

~End of Flashback~

Hmmm... It will surely work again. Skye is such an intelligent and sweet and kind pup. She has incredible ideas.


"What? Breakfast is ready? Why didn't you wake me up? Wait,who turned the lights off" Rubble panicked like last time.

He opened his door and stumbled upon his skateboard. Fortunately,it was not going at great speed. Unfortunately, it was going to interact with Marshall.

Marshall jumped on the skateboard too. Together,they crashed into a heap of pup toys.

Marshall with his water bowl on his head,yelled, "I am good!" He slipped Rubble's sleeping mask of his head.

"Now it's clear," began Rubble,"and cold!"

"Now you pups go and have breakfast," I said,"I am going to wake up the other pups"

They nodded and raced to have breakfast. I woke up the other pups and ate our breakfast,which was kibbles.

"Yeah,sure,all of you could come," Ryder's voice came,"Oh! You guys are nearly here! Oh,ok"

"Ryder sir,who was that?" I queried.

"Pups! We are here!" Carlos,Tracker, Everest, Sweetie and Sylvia's shouts echoed through the wind.

"Yeah! Thank you Ryder!" Rubble told.

Ryder's pup pad rang,and he picked it up. "Hi, Mayor Goodway,how can we help you?"

"Oh,Ryder,a huge snowstorm is coming!
I informed all the members of Adventure Bay,so stay safe!"

"Ok, Mayor Goodway,thanks for the information!" he replied.



"Ok pups and people,there is a snowstorm coming probably in an hour,so let's go inside" he tells us.

"What about food!" Rubble gasped.

"Rubble,we still have so much food. Don't worry" Ryder consoled him.

"Park your vehicles in the garage and you pups can play inside the lookout. Me and the other people will be in the upper tower,if you need anything,just call on us" Ryder explained.

"Yes,sir,Ryder sir!" I said, taking duty.

We parked our vehicles in the garage and went in lookout to play.

"You know, I wanna try something new instead of playing tag or Pup Pup Boogie" Skye voiced her thoughts.

A chorus of voices agreed.

"Ok,so what can we play?" Rocky asked.

"Mi amigos,there is a game called Truth or Dare that we could play" Tracker slowly suggested.

"Yeah, it's pretty fun!" I agreed,"Let's play that game.

"Alright, Tracker should go as he had the idea," Skye continued.

"Okie dokie," Tracker said,"Rocky,can I borrow that recycling bottle there?"

"Sure," Rocky answered.

Tracker spun the bottle and it landed on....


Peeps! Be sure to give truth or dares or I'll vent and kill you! See ya! Imma not forcing you tho!

Also, I need comments quick!!!!

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