Chapter 4

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After we satdown my brother and Dally noticed us,and Dally was beating up on us.He was pulling Cherry's red hair.He was teasing her and saying,"how do I know this is your real red hair?"Cherry got angry and pushed him off his seat.Pony boy the shy boy who sits behide me in class ,came back with 5 cokes.He handed them to everyone.Instead of drinking it Cherry threw it in Dally's face.Jhonny never stands up to Dally mostly because he's his hero,and because he's scary.But even he was annoyed with Dally ,so he told him to cut it out.Johnny never said such a thing to Dally ,so when Dally heared him say it he got mad and flipped his seat sea and stormed off.Cherry than thanked Johnny.We then made small talk with them.Cherry asked them,"What are you guys even doing hanging with a guy like Dally?"Pony responded ,"We're Greasers just like him."When cherry heard those words come out of his mouth she was shocked.She knew my brother and Pony would hang out with them ,but she didn't know they were one of them.She was shocked ,she said,"I can't believeit.You guys look so innocent and quite.","Ya,Iknow.I ain't like all the other Greasers either."Pony boy said."How so?"Cherry responded."Well'I don't really like cars and girls like my brothers.I haven't even had my first girlfriendyet.I also really likebooks,movies,and sunsets."he said.When I heard those words come out of his mouth I knew we would get along great because those are all the things I like also.Jhonny and Cherry must've been think the same thingbecause they both said out loud,"Lexi loves those things too.You two would be great friends."Cherry procedded to say,"....and Lexi has never had a boyfriend before either besides Bob ,but he doesn't counr he was cheating on her with booze and drunk the whole realationship."After she said that I rolled my eyes,and for a sudden moment Pony and my eyes locked and I may eve had gotten lost in them.Shortly after the movie was over and the boys walked us home.On the way home Bob's blue mustang rolled up next to us.He started yelling ,"Get away from those filfthy Greasers."WE ignored him and kept walking.Then he hollard,"Whatever those are your people you live with them I can't believe I ever fell for you."He then called me horrible names.I tried to keep my temper,but snapped and slapped him.I kept slapping him until it left a big red hand mark on his cheek.Everyone stood there staring at me speechless.I ran home crying.Cherry walked hom,and POny and Johnny walked to Pony's house.Pony's house is were all the Greasers hung out.When i got home my momsaw the tears rolling down my face.She was drunklike always .She started beating me.I lost my temper agian and pushed her off me ,and ran to my room.I packed all Johnny and my stuff up ,and ran to Pony's house.I ran through the front yard , onto their porch steps,and I knocked on the door.Daryy one of the Greasers and Pony's brother opened the door .He saw I was crying and told ,and told me to come in ,then yelled for Johnny.Johnny and Pony came out from a room in the back.They saw me crying and ran up to me asking what happened."I came home from the movies ,and mom was drunk,and beat me,and called me worthless and more.So I packed upour stuff and left ,so that's why I have these bags.This one is your and this one is mine.Please Johnny we can't go back there.","We won't I promise,but what now."Johnny asked."Well,I could call Cherry.I'msure she'll let me stay there.I just needed to come here and talk to you first,and ask what your doing.","You can stay here Johnny and Lexi if you want we have a spare room."Darry said."Ok,Thank you."we both say in responce.I was unsure about staying with boysI didn't know that well.I stayed any way because I wanted to stay with Johnny.

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