IV | the purest love

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Chapter | 4

"Being kissed while you're asleep is one of the purest forms of love." -unknown

"H-how long do you have."

"Six's months."

He started walking backwards shaking his head he couldn't believe what you were saying you tried to grab he's arm but he moved his arm away before you could touch him. he held so much sadness, so much anger, and pain in his eyes and the only way of expressing it was through his tears like words weren't enough to describe how he felt.

"J-Jungkook please." Your eyes started to tear up you hated when he cried because it hurt you more then anything else in the world but what hurt you more was that...

You were the reason.

"I c-can't believe you lied to me y/n you said we would never lie to each other but I guess I-i was wrong." His voice crack tears started to fall even more his nose become red on his soft milky skin his eyes become puffy, and red, his beautiful bambe like eyes that once held happiness, and joy. Was no more like everything was drained out of him... and I...was the cause of it all. the tears he shed was because of me, the sadness and pain he feels was because of me, he was just standing there a foot away from me hurting and everything all of it was because of...


I couldn't bear to see him like this I wanted to hug him and say I was sorry, and that I regretted it, all of it. and begged him to forgive me for what I did, I thought I was doing the right thing by not telling him but I just stood there I wanted to walk to him but everything in me was dead I like i couldn't move but just feel sadness, guilt, and self hate eat my alive.

but before I could come near him or do anything

He just...

walked away. leaving me there alone.

I started crying and collapse to the ground like all the energy in me that once held me up vanished I felt like I couldn't breath my cheat tighten my heart couldn't take it, it's weird that when your so hurt and broken' your cheat starts hurting, like if your heart feels like it breaking into two I felt heartbroken I guess you can put it.

I couldn't feel anything else but pain it was unbearable the discomfort it had on me was the worst he was my happiness, and my happiness left from inside of me once he walked away with tears to which I caused, I always made sure that nothing hurt him but the one thing I didn't protect him from was me I protected him from so many things that I didn't think I could be one of them.

putting my hand on my chest trying to make it stop hurting it was all to much. my best friend is not here, the only thing That made me want to keep going was him... I try to protect him from anything and everything that would hurt him... but the thing I couldn't see was I was hurting him and he never knew it, that I was slowly hurting him without realizing, I never realized that what I was hiding all these years would cause him so much pain in the future.

my stupid and selfish decision ruin our friendship.

I couldn't get the image out of my head of him standing there hurting my true love was hurting his pain that expressed acorss his face showed it all he was never one to cry. He was always full of joy. I was the only that could see his weak side of him even then I didn't see it much but when he did it hurt me more then anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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