II | unfair love

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Chapter | 2

"I just wanna lay next to you and listen to the beat of your heart I just wanna close my eyes and fall asleep in your arms I just wanna feel you and just forget the world" —unknown

"Honey you need to tell him you can't hide it forever"

"I know." I said looking down

"Well get some sleep we have to see Dr wong tomorrow to see if any of the chemotherapy is working"

"Yeah okay"

"Oh, honey your father won't be able to come tomorrow"

" it's Okay I know he doesn't like seeing me like this anyways"

"Okay well Good night honey"

"Good night" and with she left the room

Getting up from my bed and Going to my bathroom turning on the light and closing the door behind me and standing in front of the Mirror feeling so broken, feeling so alone even though there are 7 billion people in the world I feel so alone crazy right. Suddenly breaking down crying all my pain out, all my suffering. It hurts so bad holding My chest as it hurts to much falling on the floor as it's all to much I'm so tired. So tired of life, so tired of love, so tired of everything. I'm Just tired why is life so unfair why is love so unfair why can't I be happy Why can't I be with the man that I love, why can't I live forever and spend That forever with the man I love.

I didn't do anything to deserve This. This pain, this crying every night this cutting to relive the pain that I feel. So Strange how I try and forgot the pain in the day on how much I hurt but for it to all come back at night feeling it all over again. Grabing a razor feeling broken Only to put it against my left wrist feeling helpless and cutting it seeing the blood Slowly oozing out and repeating it over and over again. Not even feeling the pain in my wrist as it's nothing compared to how I feel. blood driping down my wrist all I can see is blood...all over me, all over The floor, All over.

crying even harder as no one here for me no ones here To say everything going to be okay and hug me I need confront I need someone. dropping the Razor on the floor leaning my back on the wall putting my head in between In my arms that are on my knees not even these cuts hurt as much As I hurt inside silently crying for a Few more minutes letting myself feel everything all the pain, all of It. lifting my head up seeing the blood all over the place picking myself back up and grabing a towel and cleaning the blood off the floor rising my bloodly wrist which was no use as it kept bleeding

taking off my clothes and Turning on the shower pushing the curtain to the side and steping In shivering as feeling the water still cold after taking a 30 minute Warm shower steping out of the shower and wraping my towel Around my body opening my restroom door feeling the cold air touch my skin spreading gossbumps all over my body walking to my closet and grabing a pair of pajamas and undergarments going back to the bathroom and changing.

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