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Kiss scenes but nothing too major

Jisung maybe most probably and definitely hadn't planned everything out. After the four of them ran off, they ended up at an ice cream parlour where they met Mark, Chenle and surprisingly Hyuck, downing their ice creams and slushies, the maknae tried his best to restrain himself from punching Haechan who gleefully ate his ice cream, mostly because of the warning glare Mark sent him from across the table when he noticed the younger's death glare at the older vocal. 

They eventually went their own ways with the four silently walking together in the lighted up streets of Seoul. Jaemin even stopped under the street light, giving them an aegyo causing their Chinese boyfriend to groan and Jeno to snicker behind him. 

Jisung is loving this.

Jaemin laughed at their expressions, adam's apple bobbing up and down, his head was thrown back illuminating his face even more that it had all three of them choke on their breaths unknowingly to Jaemin. The two of them- Jeno and Renjun, moved forward to be next to Jaemin under the light, smiling fondly at the male.

Jisung quickly pulls his phone out and snaps a picture of it. Something angelic like that moment needs to have its own photograph. When he looked back up, Jaemin was no longer laughing but staring at him with confused eyes. Jeno and Renjun also peeking at him with pursed lips.

"Did you just- take a picture of us?" Jisung brightly grins at him as he pocketed his phone, walking forward, ignoring Jaemin's stammering as he asks him about the photo.

Jeno picked him up the very moment he locked their dorm room and almost a contrast to his rough picking up he gently slammed the maknae onto Renjun's bed, lips against his collarbone. He knew he was temporarily gone and dazed as he locked his ankles around Jeno's waist, whimpering with the feeling of the older's lips biting on his skin. 

Jaemin had fallen beside them, their Chinese boyfriend following close behind, straddling him on top, then attacking the younger's chapped lips.

The bluenette had huffed, biting on the lips before switching positions, forcing himself on top much to Renjun's dismay. The younger Korean pulls away, kissing down the older blonde highlighted boy's neck earning himself a few hitched breaths from the smaller yet older male beneath him.

"Wait, wait, wait." Jaemin interrupts all of a sudden, pulling away from the Chinese who looks at him questionably, he was joined by the other two who had also pulled back.

The younger 00' line male in the room stood up to pick something up from his bag only striking the males with even more confusion. "I've been wanting to give you guys this for a while now." He came back with three white boxes and gave each of them a single one.

The eldest in the room, blinks, eyeing the box with curiosity. "What is it?"

"Open it!" Jaemin says almost too eagerly, eyes shining with a fond look. Jisung opens his first. The white box seemed like it was gleaming in the moonlight with the texture it was made of. Inside was a ring necklace made of silver, it had a diamond-encrusted in the middle line of the ring which was made of- gold? some of the silver had branched out to wrap around the diamond. It was held by a gold chain making it shine even brighter than the box.

He looks in shock from the necklace to his boyfriend, "I bought this a while back actually, you know when we fought. Figured this was the best time to give this." he supplies. 

Jeno clasps his' around his neck and gapes at its expensive-looking metals. "This must've caused a lot Jaem," he says breathlessly, slim fingers playing with the ring.

"It's nothing." The said male bashfully replies, poking his cheeks. "It's just me showing how much I love you guys, and I mean it in that way."

And his flirtiness is back.

Instead of up groaning or scoffing at his action. Renjun just lets out a squeal jumping forward to kiss Jaemin full on the lips, "You are so romantic it's making me cry." He sniffs, coddling his nose against the younger's clavicle.

Jeno makes a move to wrap his arms around the two, pulling Jisung with him who gratefully smiles.

For a while, it's just them with each other.

Later that night, Jisung was the only one awake scrolling through his phone. Jeno had an arm around his waist, Renjun beside him with Jaemin's own arm lazily thrown on top as he buries his nose in the Chinese's locks. 

The maknae giggles at the sight before turning back to his phone, before furrowing his eyes.

Clicking the photos app, he sees the photo he took a few hours ago, for a description it had Jaemin at the centre, his head was thrown back as he laughs, Jeno beside him on the right, had his hands in his pockets as he smiles fondly at Jaemin. Renjun was on the other side, hand on his forehead with an annoyed look on his face. All of which were illuminated by the light and JIsung was flushing at the sight.

Quickly setting it as his wallpaper, he laid back down onto the bed, curling against Jeno and Renjun who have shifted closer towards his taller, lankier body.

Yeah, he definitely loves them.

At this point, I'm making Jeno, Jisung, Jaemin and Renjun all the qualities I want my future lover to have. Be funny and flirtatious like Jaemin, sweet and very caring like Jeno, act like my best friend and is always playfully scolding like Renjun and easily embarrassed and shy like Jisung.

Heart been broke so many times.

Also get yourself a lover like Jaemin 

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