Chapter 9

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Scribe knew she was somewhere unfamiliar before she even opened her eyes. The room was smaller, the smell was mustier, and the light was dimmer even than her dark apartment. She sat up, looking around. Where am I?

Tomura answered her almost immediately, and she knew he'd been keeping watch on her mind until she woke. You're with me, pretty. Stay where you are. I'm on my way.

She frowned. What did you do, Tomura?

He didn't answer. She stood carefully, glad the pain was completely gone from her head. Evidently Kurogiri's stew had been a while ago, because she was ravenously hungry. How long was I out? The room she was in had only a bed and one door. She walked to the door, praying it wouldn't be locked. Because if it was, she and Tomura were going to have a problem.

It opened easily at her touch, however. She peered out into a dark hallway. No one appeared to be close by, so she stepped out. She looked left and right. What was probably a bathroom was at the end of the hall to the left. To the right appeared to be a small sitting area. With another door. Is that one locked? As she thought it, however, the door opened and Tomura appeared.

"I thought I told you stay put." He set aside several bundles he carried and came toward her.

She put out a hand to stop him. "Where am I, Tomura?"

"At the moment you are in a safe house provided by my master." He paused and smiled a little. "I refer to it as headquarters, though it is actually only myself and Kurogiri quartered here at the moment. This portion has been renovated into an apartment for me."

"So I'm at your place, then?" She cocked an eyebrow at him. "Why?"

He sighed. "Can we sit down for this discussion?"

"Do you promise not to lie to me?"

"I swear it."

She nodded. "Fine, then. Is that the bathroom?"

His small smile reflected a little amusement at the first question she chose to ask after making him swear not to lie, but he just nodded. "You'll find a suitcase with some of your clothing and everything you need if you want a shower."

Scribe was happy to have a change of clothing, but she decided a shower could wait. She opted for a quick cleanup, brushed her hair and teeth, washed her face. She opened the suitcase and found her favorite jeans...and paused when she riffled through the shirts and blouses when she found Tomura's worn black t-shirt. She'd washed it and saved it for him, just as she'd promised. Did she want to wear it now?

Why did he bring me here? But what it boiled down to was another question, wasn't it? Do I trust him?

She made a decision and pulled out the t-shirt. I'll trust him unless he gives me a reason not to. And so far that hasn't happened.

Fully dressed, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Dark circles lingered under her eyes and her hair was more drab than luminescent. Still, there was a determination and a strength in her expression that she couldn't remember seeing there before. Pushing her quirk as far and as fast as she had had undeniably had some detrimental effects, but she had accomplished so much more than she'd ever thought herself capable of.

She didn't look like least not the person she remembered as herself. She took a deep breath, but a little chill snuck down her spine. Maybe this is the me that's in love with Tomura. Maybe this is the villain Scribe. Is that who I want to be?

She had a sneaking suspicion that Tomura bringing her here meant she would have to make that decision sooner rather than later. But then, what did I think was going to happen? Of course I have to decide. You can't really have an affair with a villain and not pick a side.

Undeniably it was better, anyway. How much longer could it have been before Tomura needed information on All Might? Information that she could provide for the man she loved about the man who had protected and cared about her most of her adult life.

Pick a side, Scribe. Let go of one so you can be with the other. She sighed and blew herself a kiss in the mirror. Time to grow the hell up.


Since making the decision to forcibly evacuate Scribe from her apartment, Shigaraki had had second and even third thoughts, but he'd maintained his determination. So far, his master had been silent on the matter, though Shigaraki knew he was not ignorant of it. Just as well. I'm better off finding out where Scribe stands first, anyway.

The hero community was in an uproar, of course. To have what was called in the media a "valuable asset" stolen from her own apartment by the leader of the League of Villains was nearly unheard of. Shigaraki had even caught a glimpse of Eraser in the background of an interview with All Might. He wondered why. Eraserhead had ignored the existence of the girl who humiliated him ever since he'd had her sent back to America in disgrace. Scribe's well being had not seemed to be of concern to him before.

Maybe it has to do with All Might teaching at UA now. Could those two have become friends? It seemed unlikely, but anything was possible with heroes, Shigaraki guessed.

The bathroom door opened and Scribe exited. Shigaraki looked up and couldn't hold back a slow grin. "You're wearing my shirt."

"Is there a reason I shouldn't?" She walked boldly into his arms.

He kissed her, wishing he hadn't been forced to bring her here without her knowledge. He would have vastly preferred that she come with him voluntarily. How do I know she wouldn't have? Until I ask, anyway.

"Tomura?" She looked up at him questioningly.

"We've got to talk." He took her hand and sat on the sofa. "Your friend Chelsea tipped off the heroes. At least, I'm pretty sure that's what happened. When I went downstairs to take her some stew, she was suspicious. I don't know if she'd already contacted All Might or not, but I knew she was going to. I could have left you there and fled. I knew that." He looked at their hands, then back at her. "But I also knew if I left you, I might never see you again." He shrugged. "This is what I wanted, and I made the decision to take what I wanted."

"I'm glad you did." She leaned against him.

He bent his head, smelling her sweet hair one last time before he told her what he had to. "I was right. All Might showed up just as I was leaving with you. He saw me."

"Oh God." She groaned. "Oh Tomura, this is bad. He'll never let up. If there was any doubt it was you...but if he knows, he'll be hunting for you."

"That's not even the worst of it." He gritted his teeth. "All Might I can handle. But there was someone else with him." He broke off, knowing he didn't want to tell her because he didn't want to know what her reaction would be.

"Who?" She looked puzzled.

He understood her confusion. Who could be more difficult for him to deal with than All Might? He looked away for a second, then said quietly, "Eraserhead."

"Shota?" She gasped the name as if it came from her very heart.

The way she said Shota Aizawa's name seemed to stop the world. Shigaraki felt as if everything he'd hoped for was tumbling around him. He lowered his head, retreating into himself. He wasn't meant to be a creature who could love, certainly not one who could touch. Everything that had happened since he met her felt like a dream. Everything he'd hoped for was a fantasy. His hand still held hers, but he didn't feel if she'd turned into fog, a dream all along...

She gasped and yanked her hand away from him. He looked up, startled, then at her hand. Both of them stared dumbly at the blood trickling from the cracks where his fingers had been a moment before.

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