Chapter 38

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Scribe cooperated and let Aizawa escort her through the still sleeping dorm and across the deserted campus to the principal's office. She smiled a little, remembering the last time he'd done something similar.

"Does this bring back fond memories, Eraser?" Scribe glanced at him as they walked across the deserted campus. "You do remember, don't you?"

He whirled and the pain in his eyes actually surprised her. "You really want to know?"

She stepped closer, looking up at him. "I remember all I need to know." She breathed the words, barely audible but laden with contempt. "I remember you leading me bound in your capture scarf to the principal's office. I remember you didn't even care that I'd already apologized, that I knew what I did was wrong. And that you and I both knew that if you took me to the principal, I'd be sent home in shame." She glared into his stricken eyes. "You got what you wanted, too. I went home. My mother could barely look at me, she was so ashamed. My father wouldn't speak to me. And my baby brother didn't know what was going on. My family didn't want me anymore. Nobody wanted me."

"Until Tomura Shigaraki." He said the name with such distaste it reminded her forcefully of the way her mother had spoken to her. "How can you care about him?"

"Shall I count the ways?" She grinned. "Do you really want to know?" She thought of the first time he'd touched her hand in the bookstore, the way he'd slid his hand down her arm, encouraging her to use her quirk, the playful touch of his hand on her thigh when she hid him from All Might, and the moments after he'd hurt her, when she'd finally discovered the truth of his painful past.

It's so much easier being sane in your head than mine.

Aizawa's eyes widened in shock, and he took a step backward. She realized only then that he'd seen everything. She hadn't intended that to happen, but she couldn't help but wonder...she peered at him curiously. Was there a hint of understanding in his dark eyes?

He shook his head. "He's a villain and you've been harboring him. Here, no less. What if he'd hurt one of the students?"

"He's not going to do that. Not anymore."

"And you know this because he told you." His superior smile irritated her.

"Yes." She fell silent, but she kept remembering that glimmer in his eyes after she accidentally let him see into her feelings for Tomura.

If Aizawa had grasped some of what she'd felt from those few memories, what might happen if she was able to share all of them? Or if she spoke to the media, explained how much she loved Tomura, how much he'd changed? She didn't think it would result in her freedom, but it surely would shift some public sympathy her way...and Tomura's.

"Aizawa!" All Might hailed them as he jogged toward the administration building. "What is all this? Nezu texted me. He said it had to do with you, Scribe." He looked at her curiously.

"Good morning, Toshinori." Scribe smiled. "It's all coming home to roost, as my mother used to say."

All Might looked confused. "I'm sorry, what does that mean?"

"It means Scribe is under arrest or soon will be." Aizawa spoke tersely. "She's been harboring a known criminal for some time. On the grounds of UA."

"Well, he hasn't actually been on the grounds most of the time," Scribe said. "In my defense."

"A known criminal?" All Might looked confused. "I don't understand. Who are you talking about?"

Scribe spoke before Aizawa could usurp the moment. She turned to All Might with a smile. "Tenko Shimura, of course. I'm in love with him, and I guess I have you to thank for it, All Might."


"You ready for this, Boss?" Spinner spoke from the door. "We're all set out here."

They were in another safe house, far enough from headquarters so it wouldn't be a danger for anyone there. Neither police nor heroes could gather any information from their current position that would link them to headquarters.

Shigaraki nodded and followed Spinner to the staging area that had been selected by the network. He was ready. He'd been over everything he would tell, everything he would hold back and exactly what he would offer a dozen times. He knew exactly what to say and when to say it.

He reached out to Scribe one last time, felt her only as a light presence on the edge of his consciousness. She had calmed down some, but he still couldn't quite contact her. Oh well. It was better if she didn't know the plan at first, anyway. He walked calmly into the large, well-lit room. He knew he looked the part, dressed in his suit and long coat. He saw the camera crew shrink back a little and gave them a friendly grin. It didn't seem to settle anyone's nerves, though.

The cameras were already rolling. The reporter stood. "Um, Mr. Shigaraki. Th-thank you for contacting us. I understand you have something to s-say?"

Shigaraki smiled. "No need to be nervous. I'm not here to hurt anyone."

"I appreciate that." The reporter remained on edge, however.

"I have only one reason for being here. The heroes have taken the love of my life, and I want her back."

"Pardon?" The reporter looked startled.

"Yes, Miss Scribe, the UA teacher, has been arrested." Shigaraki motioned toward the chairs. "Can we sit for this?"

"Of course." The reporter watched him sit as if surprised to see that Tomura Shigaraki could do such a normal thing, then took a seat across from him. "Tell us more about what happened."

Shigaraki started at the beginning and told him everything about sensing Scribe's power at the USJ, finding her in America, the way they fell in love and how she had protected him. He knew he was adding evidence to what Eraser already knew, but it wouldn't matter by the end of the interview. He finished with an account of returning Scribe to her room to find Eraserhead waiting.

"And that was it. He was after me, of course, but she saved me." He looked down at his folded hands, his shoulders slumped.

"You seem...different, Mr. Shigaraki," the reporter said, peering at him curiously.

"I am. Scribe changed me. I won't say she made me see the error of my ways, but being in love with her, having someone in my life to love..." Shigaraki raised his head, "'s made me want to be better."

"But you haven't given up on your villainous ways, though."

Shigaraki chuckled. "Well, that depends on what you consider villainous. My...organization—which you have dubbed the League of Villains and I won't lie, I kind of like the name—has the same goal. To free society of the tyranny of heroes." He paused. "It was my dream to lead the League with Scribe."

"But you don't believe that can happen now." The reporter sounded sympathetic.

"I would do anything to get her back." Shigaraki looked directly at the camera and reached out to Scribe at the same moment. "I will do anything to get her back. But..." He felt her there again in his consciousness.

Tomura, what are you doing?

I love you, pretty. Just play the part. And don't panic.

"Was there something else, Mr. Shigaraki?" Over the course of the interview, the reporter had gotten more and more relaxed. Now he actually leaned across the table toward Shigaraki.

"Yes." Shigaraki faced the cameras. "I want Scribe back, but mostly I want her to be free. So I have an offer for the heroes. My freedom for hers."

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