Chapter 21

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Kurogiri's warp gate opened into Scribe's tiny apartment and Tomura stepped through, catching hold of her hands with a triumphant grin. He pulled her close and kissed her. "You are amazing."

"Tomura? What are you talking about?" She smothered a laugh against his chest as he danced around the room with her.

Kurogiri materialized nearby. He stood with his arms folded over his chest, his eyes narrowed. Scribe figured he was as mystified by Tomura's exuberant behavior as she was. Breathless and a little afraid of discovery, she stopped him from another round of dancing around the room. "Tomura!" She hissed his name. "What's going on?"

"You knew all along, didn't you? You knew it was my quirk and not yours that stopped me from hurting you." He held up his hands. "See? No gloves. I never have to worry about gloves again. I won't hurt you...or anything I don't want to hurt...ever again."

She realized what he was talking about. "Your quirk."

"Mine." He reached for the book of haiku that he'd given her. She almost moved to stop him, but hesitated, watching instead. He held it up, all five fingers in contact with the cover. He held it out to her and she accepted it. "See? I can control it. And I can stop it, too. And it's all thanks to you that I can do that, pretty." He put an arm around her waist. "I'm sorry. I know you're taking a chance having us here. But I had to share this with you."

She clutched the book of haiku to her chest as he pulled her close. She knew what this meant to him. He'd had no control whatsoever over his quirk for so long. To finally find the off button on something that had nearly driven him insane...

It's so much easier to be sane in your head than in mine...

"Oh Tomura, I'm so happy for you." She raised one hand to brush his hair from his face. He turned his head and kissed her palm. Then he lowered his head and caught her lips with his, and she couldn't resist melting into him for a moment. But every sense was alert for the sounds of someone approaching her door. It was nearly dinner time. Aizawa could choose to make sure she ate something...or hadn't disappeared again.

He drew away. "What's wrong?"

"Wrong?" She backed away. "Nothing. Nothing's wrong. It's just...Aizawa. He's suspicious. He noticed I was gone the other day when I was meeting you. He doesn't have anything other than suspicions, but—"

"Damn." Tomura frowned. "I knew he would be a problem."

"It might not be that big a problem." Scribe snuck a look at him. "I think he kind of...likes me?"

Tomura's frown deepened. "I thought he might, but...I don't think I like it."

Scribe smiled, her arms around his waist. "You have nothing to worry about." She sighed, leaning against him, suddenly weary. "I have to do what I have to do to survive here, though. If a little flirting with Eraserhead is what it takes..."

"Hmm." He pulled her closer still, kissing her forehead. "That is not my preferred way for you to pass the time."

She closed her eyes, her head against his chest. She wished she could go back to whatever safehouse they were sheltering in. No doubt it wasn't as good as the bar had been. Probably not nearly as spacious. Maybe Tomura's quarters wouldn't be as comfortable. But he was there, and she wouldn't be constantly under suspicion. It would be so easy. He wouldn't refuse her, she knew. He wanted her with him, too. But if she left, how could they bring down UA? She was so caught up in her worries, she didn't realize she was crying until he brushed a tear from her cheek.


Shigaraki let the tear sink into his skin for a second, grappling with a feeling of guilt. He'd come here all elated about his quirk, not even considering the danger he might be putting her in. He glanced at Kurogiri, who nodded and moved into the kitchenette, putting on the kettle for tea. Quietly.

Scribe stepped away, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry. It's just...harder than I thought it would be."

"What's the hardest part?" He brushed a single strand of hair from her face and tilted her chin up so he could see her eyes.

"Besides being away from you?" She smiled, but it wasn't at all enthusiastic. "I don't know, really. Sometimes I think it's the deception, others the fear of getting caught. was fear, but not of getting caught." She lowered her eyes but didn't pull away. "I'm afraid I'm going to forget...this. That I'm doing this for you, not...not them. The heroes, the kids. I'm afraid I'll just go back to being who I always was, but what I really want is to be who I am when I'm with you."

She's caught between two worlds. Still. And I've put her here. Shigaraki didn't blame her. She'd been hero support her entire life. Until very recently. Being back here with All Might, Eraser, and this class she obviously already cared could he have expected anything else? It's not too late. We cut our losses. I take her with me now. We follow Dabi's plan as soon as possible—

She sucked in a breath. "Oh my God, no. You can't do that."

"Do what?" He blinked, surprised.

She pulled away, her eyes flashing, and he knew she'd seen Dabi's plan in his thoughts. "Attack?" She hissed the word, then shook her head. "No. No, no, no. You're not even ready. You don't have the forces you'd need—"

"Dabi's already working on that—"

"And what kind of forces will Dabi recruit? They're not going to be gentle just because they're dealing with kids, Tomura!" A sound from outside made her pause, glancing at the door. She lowered her voice. "You have to be patient. I can do this. I just...just wished I didn't have to for a second." She turned away from him, her head bowed. "I'm just tired, that's all. But...I think if you give me time, I can bring at least a few of the kids with me when I...when I have to leave." She glanced at him. "Including Bakugo."

As she spoke, she picked up a piece of paper from the table and handed it to him. He looked at it curiously. It was Bakugo's haiku. He read it out loud. "Rainfall wants to wash/but my guilt gets in the way/why am I still here?" He looked up. "He's asking you for help."

"I think I know exactly how to do that, too. But it will take time." She took his hands. "Think about it, Tomura. If a UA teacher leaves to join the League—very publicly, by the way—and takes willing students with her, it will cripple this school beyond repair. So much more effectively than attacking full on."

He nodded, considering her words. As he did, Kurogiri brought Scribe the tea he had made. She accepted it with a smile. "Thank you, Kurogiri."

"You are welcome, Miss Scribe." He looked at Shigaraki. "For what it's worth, I believe we can find a way to alleviate some of the stress Miss Scribe is currently feeling, at least with respect to Eraserhead's suspicions."

Shigaraki nodded. "It wouldn't take much and she'd be above reproach. We need to find a way to do it without tipping off the heroes to our way in, though."

"What are you two talking about?" Scribe sank into one of the chairs by the table. She set her tea aside.

Shigaraki grinned, dropping to his knees in front of her. He slid his hands over her thighs to her waist and stretched up to kiss her. "We're talking about making you into what you've always been, my brave, pretty girl. A hero." 

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