part 2 (The retuned of kid cosmic)

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May/12/2018, 12 pm; dimension .K.C., Texas, New Mexico

someone wakes up in a trailer, gets dressed and jumps out of the trailer being really kid cosmic. then he rides his bike to get to mo's oasis coffe (his friend's diner) to meet up with the others for flo's important announcement, and when he gets to the diner just like everyone else

kid enters the diner with many customers of the spaces

Kid: Hello Carl, Carla, Carlos, Carlax

All: hello kid

kid sits and jo arrives

kid: hey Jo, do you know what your mom's special announcement is?

Jo: I have no idea, but she says that it is something that she will leave speechless

Kid: I hope it's something surprising

Flo and Queen Xhan arrive

Flo: friends we have great news...*(everyone)*..after a year after the attack and the disappearance of erodius we could do what no one could, to have returned to the planet on the map that our diner is going to expand, but without the help of Queen Xhan we could never do it, and now Xhan and I... are getting married

everyone: ooohhh...QQQQUUEEEE!!!

Xhan: and everyone is invited to the wedding

Jo is surprised that I am speechless. she goes outside and kid goes with her

kid: hey jo, are you ok

Jo: yes, only... the truth is that I did not expect to have another mother and even less if she is a mentor

Kid: but you should be glad, finally you will have a complete family

Jo: yes but what terrifies me is the new change that is coming

Kid: don't worry, I know what will happen, just like the change I've made with that superhero thing.

Jo: but do you still miss being a superhero?

Kid: yes, but it was just a fantasy that came true and I had to accept reality. also something would have to happen for it to happen

hours later

11pm; desert area

On that night an interdimensional portal opened, eon came out of it with the rainbow crystal and a rainbow laser came out that collided with the ground, then some agritas began to appear but they disappeared after one came out of it and became a rainbow star, splitting into 13 lasers of 13 colors, flying towards the local heroes and the lasers collided with the local heroes while they were asleep

a few minutes later he reunites the biker in black, malcolm kane (stretch amstrong) and someone else

13/May/2018, 5:34 pm; papa j's house

Papa j: are you sure you don't want to go with me, kid?

Kid: sure, the wedding will be in 2 days in the city of Roswell so I'll take a tuna and I'll take a bus to get there

Papa j: very good, I left food in the refrigerator and your suit in your room

kid: ok

papa J: see you there then

kid: bye , Papa J

papa J took his car and left, while kid did fun things with junk and tuna sandwich the best thing cats know how to do...sleep. while in a desert oasis it began to shine and Hilda and twig came out of the water (Hilda series)

Hilda: incredible, I'm another world. I just hope you find it, before it's too late

twig gets angry

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