Mutant in trollberg

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the new mutants who had just mutated were still angry, confused and screaming like animals while all of A.S.I.A saw their new creation

Jogador: look at me! turned me into a filthy and smelly fish!. I don't want to be a fish, boys don't like fish. Turn me into something better like a bunny girl

stretch monster: You turned me into a more horrible version of me... * (tries to change his form back but lost his ability after the mutation) * ... I can't even transform, THEY'RE GONNA PAY ME!

they both jump in front of the angry leaders and soldiers. The soldiers prepared to attack but then...

Malcolm: No, we'll deal with them.

both mutants began to attack but were no match for the three leaders

Dr. dropnix: you two will work for us from now on...or fall into our hands

fallen mutants begin to rise

Jogador: being a fish has unlimited options

Stretch monster: We will serve you...for now. what do you want us to do?

B.B.: You guys are going to take care of that brat's team. Fail us and we'll show you a new world of pain

while with the heroes

Dimension .M.D.S; chompy mount, chompy temple; May 13, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

the heroes were in a temple in the combine-world dimension, they came out the moment it collapsed and they got the penultimate two chip pieces

Revvit: I hope the next piece is not another temple because if I don't I'll kill myself

Jim: ok, Revvit, don't bother...besides there's only one piece left

Revvit: how do you know?

Jim: because the pieces say so

Revvit sees the chips and says "penultimate pieces".

Revvit: oh well

once inside the castle they made their preparations to go to the next mission. They open a portal, enter it and arrive at...

Dimension .H.T.; trollberg, Huldrawood; May 13, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

the castle was on the outskirts of the city so they were not seen

kid: ok, time to go

Revvit: wait, kiddo. the map gives four different directions and they are: a cave in the trollberg mountains, in a library in trollberg, in the town hall and finally in the new market in trollberg with games on a pier

Toby: what do we do?

Carmen: kid, Hilda, twig, 7723, Ton-Ton, Ty, Skya, Mai, Miko, Omni-Mass, Spyro, Dozer and Tuna will go to the cave. while me along with krel, Revvit, Blindstrike, Douxie, Toby and Hi-5 will go to the dock; Wingspan, Stretch, Psychic-Wave and Aja for mayor; and Jim, Varvatos, Steatlht-elf, Eruptor, AAARRRGGGHH!!!, Claire , Blinky, Jet Vac, pop fizz and Bazu to the library

Revvit: ok but I need you to do me a favor

Aja: what is it?

Revvit throws three colored container sprayers at Carmen and Jim

Revvit: a friend and ally of ours is creating something called a retro antidote to be able to cure the mutants that are loose in the dimensions they are in.

Jim: and you give us this for?

Revvit: because I need to be taken care of, if I took it I could lose it and recreate it will take me a couple of months

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