a terrible future

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The Kid was in the Roswell-New Mexico City hospital along with his interdimensional allies who gathered after the wedding incident and the rest of the local heroes sitting and waiting for what happened to Hilda.

Kid: I hope she recovers

Papa J: don't worry, I'm sure she'll recover

Mai: that's right, also hilda is a strong woman

Kid: yes but it was my fault that she came out like that

Ty: don't blame yourself, also if you want to blame someone, blame A.S.I.A. for what happened

Kid: I don't know guys. I need some alone time

While on the floating base of A.S.I.A.

Kane: Now with this compass we can find our way to great power and bring order to these absurd worlds of...

Arrives from a portal

M.N.: Sir, we finally have it. We have the compass to find what you are looking for

Eon takes it and the compass shows him a vision of her being the hospital where the kid and the heroes were.

Eon: get ready everyone. We'll go see a surgery

while in the hospital

Kid was afflicted by what happened since he blamed himself for what happened and he felt the greatest fear of him again... losing someone since the hardest thing about being a superhero is that he cannot save everyone. Screams were then heard from a panicked crowd as A.C.I.A. he was attacking the hospital; kid came out of the window to then hit the soldiers using his telekinesis but then a shot almost hit him

Kid: that was close

The leaders of A.S.I.A. In your air vehicle

M.N.: but look what we have here, if it's kid Cosmic's brat

Dropnix: rather kid Mocosmic

Kane: we can focus

Kid: what do they want?

Dropnix: the compass guided us to the stone of knowledge and it says that it is here

Kid: I will not allow you and the others to use it for their malicious reasons

B.B.: wait, did you think we did all this just for us...*(kid had the doubt)*...the truth is that we are working for the one who freed us

Kid: released, WHO?

???: I was

Someone shoots him throws a wave of power energy towards the kid that pushed him, he collides with the wall that the impact left him in a coma momentarily that he woke up when he threw two discs with electric rays like chains that tied him up, he being responsible for the attack , the release of the villains and the one who financed the search for the stone...

Someone shoots him throws a wave of power energy towards the kid that pushed him, he collides with the wall that the impact left him in a coma momentarily that he woke up when he threw two discs with electric rays like chains that tied him up, he ...

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